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[stem-dev] Notes from STEM Call 1/12/11


Task and Documentation Tracking

On call: Jamie, Matthias, Dan, Matt, Stefan, Arik, Judy


Happy New Year!


New Release Planning

·         Release Candidate 1.1.1 is out an available for test

·         Matthias’ group will view and report any bugs by next week’s call

·         New release date set as 1/21/2011

·         Contributors’ input sought on setting dates for future releases


STEM Map Default Color Scheme

·         Black background changed to make it more friendly for users who want to add to display


Update on Bug 329503 (Danger of losing edits when saving resources)-Stefan

·         When have two open on same tree changes may not show on both

·         This an EMF bug; fixed in EMF 2.7; STEM using 2.6; will post on Newsgroup

·         Workaround: close one to get to show


Meeting with Mike Milinkovich

·         Werner, Jamie will meet with Mike in CA regarding a possible Eclipse Health Care Day

·         Jamie will report on possible STEM Workshop associated with above during next week’s call


Integration Testing Update

·         Post your project in STEM directory and run as test; will compare output from run with output as posted, also runs sanity tests; Needs documentation and hardening; now have Mexico example up

·         Basically a scenario test; intent is not to test code; still need j unit tests

·         Developers (Armin, others) who write new code write/run j unit test

·         J unit test: reliability of new code; Integration testing: effect of new code on system

·         Jamie will talk with developers in Matthias’ shop


Items from Matthias

·         Bug 317079 relating to import routine: Armin will put in a comment; Jamie’s group will close

·         Two developers having problem w/ code when trying to build STEM: Matthias has posted error message; Jamie will look at this and create a bug or get back to Matthias


Paper on Malaria and new Africa Data

·         Arik wrote group w/ data; they did not send data but seem interested in STEM

·         Arik and Jamie will set up call, may invite them to their model to STEM (has lifecycle of mosquito)

·         Arik will finish up editing paper as if this is it (w/o added material from group w/ new data


Items from Participants

·         Matthias: Newsgroup issue re Earth Science Data? Stefan did fix on labels in Dublin Core, may have to write code to use data;  lamie: Data may change but is now visible

·         Stefan: Doing coding

·         Matt: Did side by side videos of STEM, USGF group animations


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