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Re: [statet-users] [Ann] StatET 4.3.0 Release

Dear Stefan,

thanks again for all your work. I installed Eclipse 2020-12 and then the new Statet version.
I updated also rj and packages but I get the error in the attachment.
I can't understand what is going wrong.

Thank you for your help!

With kind regards,

Arnold Dekkers

-----Original Message-----
From: statet-users <statet-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Stephan Wahlbrink
Sent: donderdag 18 februari 2021 16:23
To: StatET user discussions <statet-users@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [statet-users] [Ann] StatET 4.3.0 Release

Dear StatET users,

I am pleased to announce StatET 4.3.0, the Eclipse-based IDE for the R language.

This release focus on improvements in the RJ library and full support of Java 11. Please note that Java version 10 and lower is no longer supported by Eclipse IDE 2020-12 and StatET 4.3, see also:

The new version is available for Eclipse IDE 2020-12 ( StatET 4.3 officially supports R 3.5 - 4.0, but other versions of R may work too.

To install the new version, you can use the following update site:

For other download options, please check the download page:

If you want to use the advanced console (RJ) with R, you need the R package 'rj' for your R version as before. The packages for GNU R
(RJSrv4GR) are not part of the Eclipse StatET project, for installation see the instructions at the project site at GitLab:
The R packages with version numbers 4.0.x (for RJ 4.0) are also compatible with StatET 4.3. I recommend to update to the latest release 4.0.2 if not yet done.

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this release.

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Attachment: Eclipse_202012_error_starting_R.jpg
Description: Eclipse_202012_error_starting_R.jpg

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