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[statet-users] StatET Remote Console


I would really like to get the R remote console working.  I take a stab at this every once in a while, but have never been successful, despite combing through the available documentation and user list archives, Stack Overflow, etc.  In particular, I would like to set this up to run within a docker container.  This would let me get everything configured with all the packages I use + StatET, and distribute it to other R users (especially within my company), so we would all have the same configuration and wouldn't have to go through all the installs.  When I talk to people about using Eclipse, they always seem put off by the installation/configuration, so I think this would help.

1) is the remote console option working with the latest StatET version (4.0.1)?  Has it been tested?
2) do I need to install other software besides R and rj + on the server to make it work?  I've seen references to RMI; is this installed along with rj or does it need to be installed separately?  Do I have to start it somehow on the server?
3) how do I actually set up the connection?  Is it just a matter of giving the server's address along with the RMI port?  Do I have to register SSH keys somewhere?

I'm sorry if all of this should be obvious... I have spent hours trying to figure this out, both recently and in the past, to no avail.  

Thanks for your help.


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