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Re: [spatial4j-dev] Spatial4j 0.7 in December?

Great news!

I can definitely do an update of jeo with the new JTS dependency asap. No problem there. That said, I’d also be fine with dropping jeo as a dependency and just porting whatever classes we might be using for tests directly into spatial4j. To be honest I haven’t been doing any active development on jeo for quite some time (having kids has reduced by time for open source endeavours ;) ) and I don’t really have any plans to in the near term. It would be one less moving part and honestly I’d rather put that time into spatial4j anyways. Another option would be to see if there is any interest for those utility classes directly in JTS itself. 

Whichever way we decide to go is fine with me and I can help with whatever option we choose. 


On November 21, 2017 at 3:19:05 PM, David Smiley (david.w.smiley@xxxxxxxxx) wrote:

The release of JTS 1.15 officially under LocationTech with a new more compatible license is imminent.  Like tomorrow?  That soon. I'd like to get a Spatial4j release using it in 1 month.  I don't have much time to shoot for more objectives than that with the release but perhaps others do.

I tried JTS 1.15.0-SNAPSHOT (build locally from JTS master branch) with Spatial4j master branch and it worked :-)  Mainly I got everything to compile merely by replacing "com.vividsolutions" with "org.locationtech" everywhere.  It wasn't quite this easy because I first had to update a Spatial4j test dependency on to do the same and to update it's dependency on JTS 1.15.0-SNAPSHOT as well.  I happened to have that project locally checked out already so I made these changes locally.  

Justin, do you think you could do an update of Jeo ASAP after JTS?  I may have to submit an Eclipse CQ for it as it's an updated library.  I attended a LocationTech PMC hangout call today and it was also suggested that another option is removing the test dependency on Jeo... which I'm not eager to do but yeah it's an option.

~ David
Lucene/Solr Search Committer, Consultant, Developer, Author, Speaker
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