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Re: [sparkplug-wg] Sparkplug Steering Committee - Participant Representative Election - Candidates Standing



As communicated we will be holding an election for the Sparkplug Steering Committee to fill the Participant Member Representative seat starting tomorrow.  Unfortunately, there were no nominations for the Participant Seat on the Specification Committee.


This email communication is to let you know who is standing and the process:

Who are the Candidates?

We are extremely pleased to announce the standing candidates (alphabetical by last name) are: 


·   Vani Desai (Intel)

·  Graeme Welton (Flow Software)


Their bios are linked.


Who Receives Ballots?


You will receive a ballot if you are a Sparkplug Working Group Participant Member contact.


When is the Election? 


Ballots will be distributed by the end of day and the election will close on June 15, 2021, or earlier if all eligible voters vote.  Please note candidates standing are entitled to vote as well.


Where can I find more Information? 


The Working Group Charter defines the various committees and their responsibilities.  You may also refer to the Eclipse Foundation Working Group Operations Guide for an overview on the entire election process.


Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out via the mailing list or contact the undersigned.


Best Regards,


On Wed, May 26, 2021 at 9:33 PM Sharon Corbett <sharon.corbett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Thank you to Ian for clarification of HiveMQ's move to Strategic Member of the Working Group.  We appreciate your participation over the last year representing the Participant Members!

To that end, we have received two nominations for the Participant Representative Seat as follows:

Vani Desai - Intel
Graeme Welton - Flow Software

As a result, we will hold an election.  More information to follow.

Best Regards,

Sharon Corbett
Program Director, Working Group Operations
Eclipse Foundation

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