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[soc-dev] Fwd: [GSoC] Logging Weekly Status

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ashwin Jha <>
Date: Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 12:51 AM
Subject: Re: [GSoC] Logging Weekly Status
To: recommenders-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx


This is the weekly status on the GSoC project Eclipse Logging.

Project description: The purpose of this project is to implement 
a SLF4J based logging system that will allow to dynamically 
configure log settings, provide a separate log view, persisting log 
settings for all eclipse plug­ins. A more detailed discussion on the 
inspiration for this project is on bugzilla [1]. The project proposal 
doc is available on [2].


Updates from last report: I have made some changes in the bugzilla
appender, making the log events handling more streamlined. Apart from
that I have also made some progress in the runtime configuration feature.
This can be followed using bugzilla link [3] and gerrit link [4].

Plan for next week: I will be continuing with the runtime configuration part.
I will also try to work on an Eclipse Log Listener, if time permits.
You can follow the progress through bugzilla link [5].

On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 10:18 AM, Ashwin Jha <> wrote:

This is the weekly status on the GSoC project Eclipse Logging.

Project description: The purpose of this project is to implement 
a SLF4J based logging system that will allow to dynamically 
configure log settings, provide a separate log view, persisting log 
settings for all eclipse plug­ins. A more detailed discussion on the 
inspiration for this project is on bugzilla [1]. The project proposal 
doc is available on [2].


Updates from the last report: I have made some changes into the
logback-bugzilla appender as per the gerrit reviews.

Plan for this week: First I will be working on the dialog UI. Trying to 
use a more lightweight one and customizing it to include some new
features. After that I will be working on the runtime configuration part
if time permits.
You can follow the progress by using the bugzilla link [3] and gerrit link [4].


On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 5:28 AM, Ashwin Jha <> wrote:

This is the weekly status on the GSoC project Eclipse Logging.

Project description: The purpose of this project is to implement 
a SLF4J based logging system that will allow to dynamically 
configure log settings, provide a separate log view, persisting log 
settings for all eclipse plug­ins. A more detailed discussion on the 
inspiration for this project is on bugzilla [1]. The project proposal 
doc is available on [2].


Update from last week: As per last week plan, I am working on the
logback-bugzilla appender. I have been able to implement the basic
appender. You can explore more about this feature by following the
bugzilla link [3].

Plan for this week: This week I will be working on the logback -bugzilla
appender. I will add the UI features as well as extend the functionality of
the appender so as to include multiple keywords based filter and dynamic
appender configuration, if required.

On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 3:05 AM, Ashwin Jha <> wrote:

This is the weekly status on the GSoC project Eclipse Logging.

Project description: The purpose of this project is to implement  a SLF4J based 
logging system that will allow to dynamically configure log settings, provide a 
separate log view, persisting log settings for all eclipse plug­ins. A more detailed 
discussion on the inspiration for this project is on bugzilla [1]. The project proposal 
doc is available on [2].


Update from last week: As per last week plan, I have been able to complete the 
dynamic reconfiguration of logback configuration. We have also restructured the 
project layout, a bit. And, very soon I will be posting the link to the documentation 
on how to use the logging feature.

Plan for this week: This week, I have planned to work on three things. First, the
documentation that I mentioned above. Second, I am planning to write an appender
that will file a bug directly from logback to bugzilla (for details, check [3]). Third, I will 
be working on making the logback configuration available to the clients at runtime
(for details, check [4]).


On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 1:08 PM, Ashwin Jha <> wrote:

This is the weekly status on the GSoC project Eclipse Logging.

Project description: The purpose of this project is to implement 
a SLF4J based logging system that will allow to dynamically 
configure log settings, provide a separate log view, persisting log 
settings for all eclipse plug­ins. A more detailed discussion on the 
inspiration for this project is on bugzilla [1]. The project proposal 
doc is available on [2].


First of all my apologies for not posting any report for the previous week.

Update from the last report, I have been able to implement and integrate the slf4j - eclipse
logger backend with the plugin. I have also implemented a configuration plugin that helps
in configuring the logback system. At present only static configuration is possible.

Plan for next week: I will be working on the dynamic reconfiguration of logback system. 
Apart from this, I am also planning to write some tests for the same.
All this can be tracked by gerrit link [3].


On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 7:12 PM, Ashwin Jha <> wrote:

This is the weekly status on the GSoC project Eclipse Logging.

Project description: The purpose of this project is to implement 
a SLF4J based logging system that will allow to dynamically 
configure log settings, provide a separate log view, persisting log 
settings for all eclipse plug­ins. A more detailed discussion on the 
inspiration for this project is on bugzilla [1]. The project proposal 
doc is available on [2].


Update from last week, I have been able to port the initial code onto 

Currently, I am working on a Eclipse Logger based backend for SLF4J. 
I have already implemented the slf4j -> eclipse logger backend and currently
working on its integration with the main plugin. This can be tracked by gerrit link [3].

Hopefully, I will be able to show you some exciting features in the next week or two.


On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 1:54 AM, Ashwin Jha <> wrote:

This is the weekly status on the GSoC project Eclipse Logging.

Project description: The purpose of this project is to implement 
a SLF4J based logging system that will allow to dynamically 
configure log settings, provide a separate log view, persisting log 
settings for all eclipse plug­ins. A more detailed discussion on the 
inspiration for this project is on bugzilla [1]. The project proposal 
doc is available on [2].

At the moment I am working on porting my intial code from github to 
eclipse repository. This is tracked by bugzilla entries [3] and [4].
I have put up a gerrit review request [5] in this regard.


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