On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 3:17 AM, Wayne Beaton <
wayne@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Can everybody who is working on an GSoC project please check in?
> Students, can you please let us all know your status? Are you on schedule?
> Are you learning what you need to learn?
> You should be well underway in your development. If you are in need of
> assistance, you should seek it soon.
> Please let us all know where you are doing most of your communication. I do
> see some student activity project mailing lists, but I'm only seeing the
> work of a very small number of our students. I prefer that you work in an
> open and transparent manner; project dev lists are an ideal location for
> this sort of communication. Bugs are another good place. Some private email
> communication is normal and expected, but should augment public
> communication.
> If students or mentors are missing in action, please let me know. Private
> email might be best for this sort of communication :-)
> I look forward to hearing from you.
> Wayne
> --
> Wayne Beaton
> The Eclipse Foundation
> Twitter: @waynebeaton
> Explore Eclipse Projects