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Re: [smila-dev] BinaryStorage service concept

Minor note regarding Binary Storage Service API: should it expose knowledge about Records and Attachments? Probably it's worth to use just something generic like getObject, saveObject etc?


Marius Cimpean wrote:
Hi all,

The Binary storage concept page is available - please have a look and submit your remarks. We can discuss the binary storage based on this page

Best Regards,

----- Original Message ----- From: "Thomas Menzel" <tmenzel@xxxxxxx>
To: "Smila project developer mailing list" <smila-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2008 1:16 PM
Subject: RE: [smila-dev] Re: Problems with BinStorage

hi jürgen,

very nice, if u had not written this, i would have. thx

from what I understood, VFS supports already diff. storage implementations for diff. *mountpoints*. so, with VFS it's already possible to have a DB, distributed FS, local FS at the same time, albeit in diff. namespaces.

and yes, I think it is not part of the client to say directly, I want DB storage or local, it just would have to know the NS it is config'ed for and hence all this moves into the config/admin realm. he then has to decide what is best in what situation.

also: having followed the discussion so far, I think it is OK to say that at this time it makes more sense to write the BinStorage API such that it fits for the current use case, which is that the client doesn't need control of folders (or am I wrong here?).

an interface for FS-like distributed storage we can add later IMO. and I also have come to think that this could actually go into a new API that is different or just complementary to the BinStorage API.

Kind regards
Thomas Menzel @ brox IT-Solutions GmbH

PS: should we open a bug for this discussion as well? or do u prefer keeping this on the dev list?

-----Original Message-----
From: smila-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:smila-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Juergen.Schumacher@xxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Montag, 13. Oktober 2008 12:02
To: smila-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [smila-dev] Re: Problems with BinStorage


It's not really clear to me, what this discussion is about currently (API? backend?), so I'll try to sum up my point of view on the complete package, and hopefully we'll get some answers from it (-;

The purpose of BinStorage is to store millions (or billions) of (possibly large) binary objects and make them available to a relatively large number of record processors running distributed in a "cluster" of computers. Currently I do not know what kind of backend might be the best to match these requirements, I rather think that it should be exchangeable in order to be able to match different requirements: In one application it could be simply a shared file system, because performance is sufficient and administration is easy, in other applications distributed file systems might be necessary, or some database technology or whatever. I don't think that we can decide this now for good. Thus the API must be as generic as possible to be implementable on any kind of backend. And the details of the storage backend must not be of relevance to a client: One blackboard just writes the attachments of a record to bin storage, another one retrieves it again. They should not have to care about where to put the objects in a hierarchy for good performance, it's the task of BinStorage to create such hierarchies internally if a flat storage is not sufficient.

On the other side, I'm not against having a BinStorage API that enables different kinds of clients to use different "namespaces" in BinStorage to separate their data. These namespaces could be hierarchical: a "file system" metaphor behind the API might be helpful for developers using BinStorage, because most users are accustomed to it, even if the actual storage has nothing to with a file system. On the other hand this might enable the configurator/administrator of BinStorage to distribute partitions of data to different storage mediums (just dreaming now ;-) for better performance. But BinStorage must not rely only on structures provided by the clients, but must organize the stored data for optimal performance even if a client does not provide any structure at all.

Hopefully this has not increased the confusion even more (-;

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