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RE: [smila-dev] OutOfMemoryException during Crawl

Thanks, I'll have a look at the problem in ODE.
I know there is cleanup code in this class. I have to check why it doesn't work.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: smila-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:smila-dev-
> bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Dmitry Hazin
> Sent: Monday, October 13, 2008 2:03 PM
> To: Smila project developer mailing list
> Subject: Re: [smila-dev] OutOfMemoryException during Crawl
> Hi,
> I found the tool that can be useful in detecting the leak source:
> Memory
> Analyzer tool (it's in incubation but seems to be working good),
> It allows to analyze Java heap dumps and to generate different reports
> regarding memory usage. To get a dump on OOM Exception you should to
> add
> the following JVM parameter to SMILA.ini:
> -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError or -XX:+HeapDumpOnCtrlBreak to get heap
> dump on demand.
> Also you can get a dump with the following command: jmap
> -dump:format=b,file=<filename.hprof> <pid> (command format id for
> java6).
> So here are the first results so far (leak analyzer executed on one
> dump
> was taken with filesystem crawler executed on large amount of files and
> another when crawling job was stopped). The most memory is accumulated
> by org.apache.ode and org.apache.commons.vfs, and org.apache.ode is
> always at the first place:
> Report with dump #1:
> One instance of "org.apache.ode.bpel.engine.BpelServerImpl" loaded by
> "org.apache.ode" occupies 55,544,144 (40.42%) bytes. The memory is
> accumulated in one instance of
> "org.apache.ode.bpel.memdao.BpelDAOConnectionImpl" loaded by
> "org.apache.ode".
> Keywords
> org.apache.ode.bpel.engine.BpelServerImpl
> org.apache.ode
> org.apache.ode.bpel.memdao.BpelDAOConnectionImpl
> Details »
> Problem Suspect 2
> 20,031 instances of "org.apache.commons.vfs.provider.local.LocalFile",
> loaded by "org.apache.commons.vfs" occupy 15,637,616 (11.38%) bytes.
> These instances are referenced from one instance of
> "java.util.HashMap$Entry[]", loaded by "<system class loader>"
> Keywords
> org.apache.commons.vfs
> java.util.HashMap$Entry[]
> org.apache.commons.vfs.provider.local.LocalFile
> ==============
> Report with dump #2:
> Problem Suspect 1
> One instance of "org.apache.ode.bpel.engine.BpelServerImpl" loaded by
> "org.apache.ode" occupies 43,411,080 (23.18%) bytes. The memory is
> accumulated in one instance of
> "org.apache.ode.bpel.memdao.BpelDAOConnectionImpl" loaded by
> "org.apache.ode".
> Keywords
> org.apache.ode.bpel.engine.BpelServerImpl
> org.apache.ode
> org.apache.ode.bpel.memdao.BpelDAOConnectionImpl
> Details »
> Problem Suspect 2
> The class "java.lang.ref.Finalizer", loaded by "<system class loader>",
> occupies 39,970,744 (21.34%) bytes.
> Keywords
> java.lang.ref.Finalizer
> Details »
> Problem Suspect 3
> 33,379 instances of "org.apache.commons.vfs.provider.local.LocalFile",
> loaded by "org.apache.commons.vfs" occupy 26,058,944 (13.92%) bytes.
> These instances are referenced from one instance of
> "java.util.HashMap$Entry[]", loaded by "<system class loader>"
> Keywords
> org.apache.commons.vfs
> java.util.HashMap$Entry[]
> org.apache.commons.vfs.provider.local.LocalFile
> Thanks,
> Dmitry
> _______________________________________________
> smila-dev mailing list
> smila-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx

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