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[smila-dev] Controlling Tasks Order Concept

Hi folks,

please read small page

Shortly, we want to choose a solution for the following problem at least:

>Simple Scenarios: - add Record is sent to framework and a short later arrives a delete Record. Because the Delete Record has not been processed by BPEL it would >executed before the result of the add record is ready to put into the index - two add records are sent to the framework, we would do the processing twice, but we have no >advantage of it, we could purge the first record

But the problem is deeper - the blackboard is designed for synchronous Record processing from start till finish.

IMO, as the simplest solution, we should
1. add timestemp field to ID;
2. to divide operations "equals" and "equivalent regarding timestamp" for IDs;
3. to stop/reject Record processing if timestamp is older the last one;

Will be glad to hear your ideas and opinions.
Regards, Ivan

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