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  • [sirius-dev] +1 for Pierre Guilet on modeling.sirius by Jean Barata, portal on behalf of
  • [sirius-dev] +1 for Pierre Guilet on modeling.sirius by Maxime Porhel, portal on behalf of
  • [sirius-dev] +1 for Pierre Guilet on modeling.sirius by Hugo Marchadour, portal on behalf of
  • [sirius-dev] [ANN] Sirius 4.1.4, Pierre-Charles David
  • [sirius-dev] [ANN] Sirius 3.1.8, Pierre-Charles David
  • [sirius-dev] +1 for Pierre Guilet on modeling.sirius by Matthieu Helleboid, portal on behalf of
  • [sirius-dev] +1 for Pierre Guilet on modeling.sirius by Melanie Bats, portal on behalf of
  • [sirius-dev] +1 for Pierre Guilet on modeling.sirius by Nathalie Lepine, portal on behalf of
  • [sirius-dev] +1 for Pierre Guilet on modeling.sirius by Steve Monnier, portal on behalf of
  • [sirius-dev] +1 for Pierre Guilet on modeling.sirius by Laurent Fasani, portal on behalf of
  • [sirius-dev] +1 for Pierre Guilet on modeling.sirius by Laurent Redor, portal on behalf of
  • [sirius-dev] +1 for Pierre Guilet on modeling.sirius by Florian Barbin, portal on behalf of
  • [sirius-dev] +1 for Pierre Guilet on modeling.sirius by Yann Mortier, portal on behalf of
  • [sirius-dev] +1 for Pierre Guilet on modeling.sirius by Stephane Begaudeau, portal on behalf of
  • [sirius-dev] +1 for Pierre Guilet on modeling.sirius by Cedric Brun, portal on behalf of
  • [sirius-dev] Vote for Committer status for Pierre Guilet was started by Pierre-Charles David, portal on behalf of
  • [sirius-dev] [ANN] Sirius 2.0.8, Pierre-Charles David
  • [sirius-dev] [ANN] Sirius 4.1.3, Pierre-Charles David
  • [sirius-dev] [ANN] Sirius 4.1.2, Pierre-Charles David
  • [sirius-dev] Coming back from EclipseCon Europe 2016, Cédric Brun
  • [sirius-dev] [ANN] Sirius 4.1.1, Pierre-Charles David
  • [sirius-dev] Welcome Stephane Begaudeau as a new modeling.sirius Committer, portal on behalf of Pierre-Charles David
  • [sirius-dev] Welcome Melanie Bats as a new modeling.sirius Committer, portal on behalf of Pierre-Charles David
  • [sirius-dev] Committer vote for Stephane Begaudeau has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of portal-noreply
  • [sirius-dev] Committer vote for Melanie Bats has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of portal-noreply
  • [sirius-dev] Committer vote for Stephane Begaudeau has concluded successfully, portal on behalf of
  • [sirius-dev] Committer vote for Melanie Bats has concluded successfully, portal on behalf of
  • [sirius-dev] +1 for Melanie Bats on modeling.sirius by Benoit Langlois, portal on behalf of
  • [sirius-dev] +1 for Stephane Begaudeau on modeling.sirius by Benoit Langlois, portal on behalf of
  • [sirius-dev] +1 for Stephane Begaudeau on modeling.sirius by Florian Barbin, portal on behalf of
  • [sirius-dev] +1 for Melanie Bats on modeling.sirius by Florian Barbin, portal on behalf of
  • [sirius-dev] +1 for Melanie Bats on modeling.sirius by Matthieu Helleboid, portal on behalf of
  • [sirius-dev] +1 for Stephane Begaudeau on modeling.sirius by Matthieu Helleboid, portal on behalf of
  • [sirius-dev] +1 for Melanie Bats on modeling.sirius by Jean Barata, portal on behalf of
  • [sirius-dev] +1 for Stephane Begaudeau on modeling.sirius by Jean Barata, portal on behalf of
  • [sirius-dev] +1 for Melanie Bats on modeling.sirius by Maxime Porhel, portal on behalf of
  • [sirius-dev] +1 for Stephane Begaudeau on modeling.sirius by Maxime Porhel, portal on behalf of
  • [sirius-dev] +1 for Melanie Bats on modeling.sirius by Julien Dupont, portal on behalf of
  • [sirius-dev] +1 for Stephane Begaudeau on modeling.sirius by Julien Dupont, portal on behalf of
  • [sirius-dev] +1 for Melanie Bats on modeling.sirius by Hugo Marchadour, portal on behalf of
  • [sirius-dev] +1 for Stephane Begaudeau on modeling.sirius by Hugo Marchadour, portal on behalf of
  • [sirius-dev] +1 for Stephane Begaudeau on modeling.sirius by Yann Mortier, portal on behalf of
  • [sirius-dev] +1 for Melanie Bats on modeling.sirius by Yann Mortier, portal on behalf of
  • [sirius-dev] +1 for Melanie Bats on modeling.sirius by Laurent Fasani, portal on behalf of
  • [sirius-dev] +1 for Stephane Begaudeau on modeling.sirius by Laurent Fasani, portal on behalf of
  • [sirius-dev] +1 for Melanie Bats on modeling.sirius by Laurent Redor, portal on behalf of
  • [sirius-dev] +1 for Stephane Begaudeau on modeling.sirius by Laurent Redor, portal on behalf of
  • [sirius-dev] +1 for Melanie Bats on modeling.sirius by Cedric Brun, portal on behalf of
  • [sirius-dev] +1 for Stephane Begaudeau on modeling.sirius by Cedric Brun, portal on behalf of
  • [sirius-dev] Vote for Committer status for Stephane Begaudeau was started by Pierre-Charles David, portal on behalf of
  • [sirius-dev] Vote for Committer status for Melanie Bats was started by Pierre-Charles David, portal on behalf of
  • [sirius-dev] Compatibility changes in the upcoming Sirius 4.1, Pierre-Charles David
  • [sirius-dev] [ANN] Sirius 4.0.0, Pierre-Charles David
  • [sirius-dev] Changes in Sirius repositories, Pierre-Charles David
  • [sirius-dev] What makes good API tutorials, jingxuanzhang
  • [sirius-dev] [ANN] Sirius 3.1.4, Pierre-Charles David
  • [sirius-dev] Upcoming changes in Sirius 4.0M6, Pierre-Charles David
  • [sirius-dev] Question about Sirius dependencies, Alexander Strakh
  • [sirius-dev] A new survey about bug report production‏‏, 涛 张
  • [sirius-dev] [ANN] Sirius 3.1.0, Pierre-Charles David
  • [sirius-dev] [ANN] Sirius 3.0.2, Pierre-Charles David
  • [sirius-dev] [ANN] Sirius 3.0.1, Pierre-Charles David
  • [sirius-dev] [ANN] Sirius 3.0.0, Pierre-Charles David
  • [sirius-dev] [ANN] Sirius 2.0.6, Laurent Redor
  • [sirius-dev] Weekly All Problems Digest for Sirius, Eclipse Error Reports Bot

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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