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[servlet-dev] References to old versions of the Spec

I just started to look at cleaning up the spec document, and the first thing I noticed is that is contains a lot of references to old versions of the Servlet spec, e.g things like.

'New since version 2.4 of the Java Servlet
specification is the ability to configure filters to be invoked under
request dispatcher _forward()_ and _include()_ calls.'

Also the full changelog etc.

Do we need to keep all these references to what had changed in previous specs? 

I think we should make a clean break for a couple of reasons:

- It makes the spec smaller and easier to maintain
- These historical references no longer really make sense, as this is a new namespace so largely a new spec
- If anyone is interested in the history they can refer to the old Servlet 4.0 spec

Note that I am not saying we should not have a change log for changes going forward, but just that I don't really see the value in cleaning up references to history that are not really part of the same spec anymore.


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