Mark, Arjan,
Thanks for your updates. I realise that release workflow is different for old and new infrastructures. Tomas Kraus is trying to adopt his scripts for the new infra. There are some discussions about it on ee4j_build@xxxxxxxxxxx mailing list. I also asked Tomas to write a wiki document explaining his configuration. I expect it to be done today/tomorrow. The new version of parent pom (1.0.3) is released. The infra gpg plugin configuration is added there.
Last week I requested projects CI/CD tasks status (see my "ACTION: CI/CD status” email in the PMC mailing list. Mark’s provides the servlet project update which I requested.
Thanks, Dmitry
Thanks for the update Mark!
If you copied the job from JSON-P, do notice that very unfortunately the Jenkins infrastructure changed in the midst of us working on this. JSON-P and JAX-RS just happened to land on the old infra, and Servlet, JSP, JMS, etc just happened to land on the new one.
They differ quite considerably, so the writeup that Dmitry did before is not longer valid for all projects on the new infra (which is the one). I'm also not 100% sure if the parent pom that all EE4J projects still use is valid (it could be valid still, I just done know).
I cc'ed Dmitry who can maybe add to this.
Kind regards, Arjan
A quick update on this:
The instance has been created and should be fully configured as far as
the infrastructure folks are concerned.
I have created builds for the master branch with Java 8 and Java latest
(currently Java 10.0.2) and both builds are green.
I have also created a release build. This is essentially a copy of the
JSONP release build edited for Servlet. It is completely untested.
The Jenkins / build list is currently:
- Create a build for the EE4J_8 branch with Java 8
- Test the release build and get it to the state where it can produce
snapshot releases
The first one of those is easy. I have no idea how much work is involved
in the second.
On a related topic have been going through the various EE4J projects I
am involved in looking at the changes that have been made and checking
the other projects have also made them. I have a few things left to
check for Servlet that I hope to get to today / over the weekend.
There is also an outstanding PR to bring the EE4J_8 branch in line with
master. At this point, these two should be the same as we aren't making
any API / functional changes. There is a PR for most of this. I suspect
there will be a few more changes as we work towards the release.
Help, especially to progress the release build, very welcome.
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