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Re: [servlet-dev] Jenkins status

On Fri, Oct 5, 2018 at 11:03 PM Mark Thomas <markt@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

A quick update on this:

The instance has been created and should be fully configured as far as
the infrastructure folks are concerned.

I have created builds for the master branch with Java 8 and Java latest
(currently Java 10.0.2) and both builds are green.

I have also created a release build. This is essentially a copy of the
JSONP release build edited for Servlet. It is completely untested.

The Jenkins / build list is currently:

- Create a build for the EE4J_8 branch with Java 8

I have set up jobs for this branch against both JDK8 and the latest JDK.
- Test the release build and get it to the state where it can produce
  snapshot releases

The first one of those is easy. I have no idea how much work is involved
in the second.

I will have a look at the release job today, although I don't think we will really want to test it out until we are actually ready to do a release.

On a related topic have been going through the various EE4J projects I
am involved in looking at the changes that have been made and checking
the other projects have also made them. I have a few things left to
check for Servlet that I hope to get to today / over the weekend.

There is also an outstanding PR to bring the EE4J_8 branch in line with
master. At this point, these two should be the same as we aren't making
any API / functional changes. There is a PR for most of this. I suspect
there will be a few more changes as we work towards the release.

I don't know if we should do this.

According to the EE4J_8 branch should only have critical bug fixes, which I think means we should leave the formatting changes till the next release of the platform. 


Help, especially to progress the release build, very welcome.

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