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Re: [sdv-wg] SDV Working Group Elections - Call for Nominations

Hello Julia,

Thank you. It is noted.

We will reach out once more details are required.

Best Regards,


On 2024-03-13 7:14 a.m., Julia (Ilya) Lebedev wrote:
Hi Everyone,

I would like to nominate myself for the TA and the Steering Committees of the SDV-WG.

Best regards,

Julia (Ilya) Lebedev (she/her)
System Architect, JSC “KAMA”

mail: julia.lebedev@xxxxxxxxx
cell: +7(911)118-2841

From: sdv-wg <sdv-wg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Zahra Fazli via sdv-wg <sdv-wg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: 04 March 2024 16:58
To: Software Defined Vehicle Working Group <sdv-wg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Zahra Fazli <zahra.fazli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [sdv-wg] SDV Working Group Elections - Call for Nominations

The Software Defined Vehicle Working Group Charter identifies the committees which drive various aspects of the working group for which there are annual elected positions to be filled.  This election is focused on elections for the: Steering Committee,  Technical Advisory Committee, and the Marketing/Brand Committee. Please note at this time the Specification Committee is not yet formed and as a result is not included in this election.

Strategic members each have a representative appointed to all the committees and thus do not participate in this election.  The elected positions will be for two Participant Member seats and one Committer Member seat for each active committee. 

Through this email, we are announcing the Eclipse Foundation will hold elections on behalf of the working group using the proposed timetable listed below:

Nomination Eligibility Participant Members All individuals who are employed by an organization that is a Participant member of the working group may stand for election. The current Participant Members of the SDV Working Group can be viewed here.

Committer Members Committer Members are those who are engaged in projects under the purview of the working group.  Committers may be considered members by virtue of either a) being employed by a working group corporate member, or b) an individual committer who has executed the Eclipse Foundation Membership Agreement in order to attain the rights, privileges and obligations of a Committer Member. If you are interested but unsure if you are a committer member, please reach out to us and/or learn more here .

Time Commitment In terms of time requirements, most committees meet on a bi-weekly basis for a one-hour conference call.

Election Schedule:

March 4-15: Call for Nominations

March 20:  Announce Candidates Standing

March 21-29:  Ballots Distributed (Voting Period)

April 2:  Announce Election Results


Nominations must be sent to this mailing list indicating related Committee/Seat.  When the nomination period is closed, we will inform the working group of the confirmed candidates providing a short bio for each along with their position statement.  At that point, we will distribute ballots via a third party system via email to those eligible to vote.  The election process will follow the Eclipse “Single Transferable Vote” method, as defined in the Eclipse Bylaws.  The winning candidates will be announced on this mailing list following the close of the election.  Self nominations are more than welcome!

Please let us know if you have any questions.  Nominations are now open!.

Best Regards,




Zahra Fazli

Membership Process Lead | Eclipse Foundation

Eclipse Foundation: The Community for Open Innovation and Collaboration

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Zahra Fazli

Membership Process Lead | Eclipse Foundation

Eclipse Foundation: The Community for Open Innovation and Collaboration

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