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Re: [sdv-blueprints-dev] Committer Election for Mario Alberto Ortegon Cabrera on Eclipse SDV Blueprints has started

Hi Naci,
I believe sharing this information on the election thread using the mailing list (as you did) would be enough. In the future please make sure to add all the context in the election record. This is both for the project and the community.
Kind regards,
Maria Teresa 

On Tue, Jan 16, 2024 at 4:48 AM Naci Dai <naci.dai@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Dear Maria,

You probably know that SDV Blueprints Project is an umbrella organization where we invite committers/contributors from  SDV and general eclipse projects to collaborate to create showcases/examples of existing SDV projects working together.   

As such many of the nominees are already committers in other SDV projects (for example eclipse ibeji/charriot in Mario's case). Some blueprints are brand new, others are migrated from different projects, and we create a brand new repository under the blueprints project for each such "blueprint".  We use github issues to openly/transparently discuss and vote these blueprints into the project. Please see: for all these accepted/in progress proposals and  specifically for the Insurance blueprint.

You are probably right that I should have been more verbose and maybe copied many of these to the discussion and blueprint vetting results to the nomination.  If this is the preferred way, I would be more than happy to delete Mario's nomination and do it again.

The other nominees Anneke/Jan will be the committers that will code the insurance blueprint.  This is a brand new blueprint, there is no prior code., and the blueprint is still at the design/requirements stage, so forcing them to create their contributions as pull requests apriori will force them to work outside the project in a private or other github repo,  and, IMHO will be less transparent and open.

I am going to HOLD until I hear guidance from EMO as this will probably repeat a few more times in the future.



On Tue, Jan 16, 2024 at 1:22 AM Eclipse Management Office EMO via sdv-blueprints-dev <sdv-blueprints-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear PMC and Eclipse SDV Blueprints Project team.

As you know, our open source rules of engagement require that project teams operate in an open, transparent, and meritocratic manner.

As part of this, elections of both committers and project leads must include a demonstration of merit. Specifically, the nomination statement for an election should provide examples of how the candidate has demonstrated an understanding of the role they're being elected to. This demonstration is for both the project team and for the community.

Describing what the candidate does or will do within the context of the project is not enough. You'll beed to provide links that prove it.  

Here are some useful links regarding Committer elections: 

If these candidates are ready to be committers, then it should be easy for you to find some examples of contributions to cite in a merit statement. If there is no public record to cite, then it should be relatively easy for candidate committers to make some meaningful contributions via pull requests that you can cite when you rerun the election later.
I suggest deleting the election records that you recently opened for Eclipse SDV Blueprints (i.e. Mario Alberto Ortegon Cabrera, Jannis de Veer and Anneke Minke) and would like to invite the project team to restart the election. 

Let me know if you have any questions.
Maria Teresa Delgado

The Eclipse Management Organization | Eclipse Foundation

On Mon, Jan 15, 2024 at 8:23 AM <emo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
A committer election for Mario Alberto Ortegon Cabrera on project Eclipse SDV
Blueprints (automotive.sdv-blueprints) was started by Naci Dai with this

Mario will be leading the SDV Insurance Blueprint, and of the initial
committers for the Eclipse SDV Blueprints

You can find the details for the Eclipse SDV Blueprint for Insurance here:

It is my pleasure to nominate Mario as a committer on Eclipse SDV


Eclipse SDV Blueprints project committers can click the election link below
to vote.



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