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[science-pmc] Science PMC meeting minutes


Here are the minutes for the Science PMC meeting. Torkild/Stephan please feel free to add/fix anything I've missed.



Science PMC Meeting

January 28, 2019 @ 10am ET


- Greg
- Torkild
- Stephan


1. Discussion about role of PMC. 

Torkild pointed out that the responsibilities are already defined by the foundation. According to these include:

  • Providing the leadership and vision to guide the Project's overall direction and architecture.
  • Providing assistance and support to the developers and researchers working on the Project by removing obstacles, solving problems, and resolving conflicts.
  • Ensuring that Project plans are produced.
  • Working with the Eclipse Management Organization (the "EMO") to establish the development processes and infrastructure needed for the development team to be effective.
  • Recommending new Projects to the EMO.
  • Recommending the initial set of Project committers for each new Project overseen by the PMC, and establishing the procedures consistent with this Charter for voting in new committers.
  • Helping to ensure that the Projects overseen by the PMC have enough contributors, and working to fill vacancies in roles.
  • Producing "how to get involved" guidelines to help new potential contributors get started.
  • Coordinating relationships with other Eclipse Foundation Projects.
  • Facilitating code or other donations by individuals or companies.
  • Making recommendations to the Eclipse Foundation Board regarding contributions proposed under licenses other than the EPL.
  • Working with the EMO and Committers to ensure in-bound contributions are made in accordance with the Eclipse Foundation IP Policy.
  • Acting as a focal point for the community in representing the Projects it oversees.

2. Discussion about having a coordinated Science Release. 

It was agreed that having a release is desirable for a number of reasons:

  • It gives projects a motivation to produce new releases
  • Helps determine which projects are active and which should be archived
  • Provides an opportunity to showcase and promote the Science project in the Foundation newsletter and at EclipseCon

The PMC agreed that a release date close to EclipseCon Europe would be desirable. One suggestion was October 1. Some projects may not be able to release on this date, but could still release earlier in the year and be part of the Science release.

Action: Greg to email PMC list to determine which projects are interested in participating

3. WG Update 

  • EclipseCon Europe: Planning meeting for a Science track will be held around April
  • All projects will have to change to EPL2
  • Rolling out new CLA
  • New licenses are available

4. CQ approval process

Stephan asked if we could clarify the CQ approval process. 

The process is as follows:

  • CQ owner should send an email to PMC list indicating intention to open a CQ and describing the issue
  • The PMC may choose to discuss the issue
  • Assuming the PMC agrees, one PMC member will approve the CQ

5. PMC Meetings

Torkild asked if it would be possible to have an agenda for future PMC meetings. Greg agreed to create an agenda with the following standing items:

  • Review actions from previous meetings
  • Release status
  • Project updates
  • WG updates/Foundation news

Action: Greg will call for any other agenda items and distribute agenda prior to the next meeting.

6. Next Meeting

February 25, 2019 @ 10:00am ET

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