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Re: [science-iwg] Meet the Science WG video

Man, I'm email challenged on my phone. Just can't see the small text any more.

I meant this for the SC, but it's fine for the general WG too. :-)


On 07/10/16 12:54, Andrea Ross wrote:
Dear Science SC,

At the moment, the focus will rightly be on the simrel and the press release.

Later, when people are not totally swamped, I would like to do something... a short punchy video that introduces the group to people. There are a variety of ways to do this, but what we may do is have a handful of people participate in a hangouts on air session that we live stream and then post in YouTube.

My thinking behind this video is a very approachable first contact. It'll also be something useful we can point people at to help them decide if they're interested in dating us and exploring if the relationship might go further.

What do you think?


p.s. This idea reminded me of this video that got my kids obsessed with chemistry and science in general :-)

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