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Re: [science-iwg] updated soon

Hey Everyone,

The site is back up:

There's a bit of i-dotting and t-crossing, but you'll get the essence of it.

We'll take the inspiration ideas for the picture and see if we can't come up with something great.

More soon,


On 02/02/16 10:45, Andrea Ross wrote:
Hey Everyone,

We're working on the update today. We anticipate the site will go down for a couple of hours this afternoon. Once it's back up on the new code, our amazing web developer Chris & I will be testing to get everything ready.

More soon!


On 01/02/16 13:46, Andrea Ross wrote:
Dear Everyone,

The Science WG site will be updated soon... ~24-48 hours, roughly.

One thing we could use your advice on... the site will have a background picture. To get the sense of this, look at the EclipseCon France 2016 site:

My question/ request.... what could we put for a picture on the Science site that would be inspirational and evocative of what the group is all about. Any thoughts or suggestions are greatly appreciated! Eye candy would be especially ideal IMHO.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions,


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