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Re: [science-iwg] Key outcomes from today's meeting


>From a Diamond standpoint, we would like to be a solutions member, so it is not an issue for us and we will try to take part in the group.

However Universities make up much of our user and developer base, there is relevant talent there which would not have buy-in and would not contribute domain expertise if a fee was enforced for their participation. 

There is some likelihood that we cannot reach the goal of a scientific inter-operable layer without the academics. Therefore in the case where associate members cannot be voting participants of the science group, we should consider removing the inter-operable part of the scope.

The group is still valid without this scope but changed in role, perhaps more of a forum for networking than a place to agree standards (as I say nothing wrong with that!). Those of us in the academic world could then consider if we still want to hang out and agree standards at meetings outside the eclipse foundation, the obvious one being how to agree to describe data in Java.



Ola, Everyone

The draft proposes the following for such cases:

The University would become an Associate Member of the Eclipse 
Foundation, and be invited by the Steering Committee (SC) to be a Guest 
member for the Science Group.

The 1 year term (rather than permanent) is an opportunity for the SC to 
evaluate if that member is still active with the group. Active members 
don't need to rejoin, the SC renews them.

I think it's fair to say people were comfortable with this so far.

At issue is whether a Guest member has the same voting rights as a 
Participating member.


On 08/04/14 15:27, Ola Spjuth wrote:
From: Ola Spjuth [Ola.Spjuth@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 08 April 2014 20:27
To: Science Industry Working Group
Subject: Re: [science-iwg] Key outcomes from today's meeting

Being part of a university that will have difficulties with membership fees, did I interpret the discussion right that the preferred option to join is as Guest member on yearly basis? Sine the argument was made in the call that Guest memberships would be used sparingly, why not allow Associate members to participate? They are non-voting and free for universities.


On 8 apr 2014, at 20:36, Torkild Ulvøy Resheim <torkildr@xxxxxxxxx>

> I will have to agree with Mike. I don't think it's a good idea, and I don't see _why_ guest members should have any voting rights. I guess they will still be able to share their opinions, which is fair enough.
> Best regards,
> Torkild
> 8. apr. 2014 kl. 20:21 skrev Mike Milinkovich <mike.milinkovich@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
>> On 08/04/2014 2:17 PM, Andrew Ross wrote:
>>> Consensus was not reached as to whether Guest members should have voting rights or not. A compromise was suggested to leave it to the Steering Committee to bestow voting rights or not when adding guests. I'm going to use lazy consensus here & suggest we do that... if you are NOT OK with this idea, please speak up ASAP.
>> I was not part of the conversation, so I don't know the rationale behind the debate. But as someone who has some passing experience in open source governance, I would say that giving Guest Members voting     rights is a bad idea. Voting is supposed to be about merit and contribution. If you have a temporary and passing participation in a group I don't know why you would expect to get voting rights.
>> That's my $0.02 worth. Feel free to ignore me :)
>> --
>> Mike Milinkovich
>> mike.milinkovich@xxxxxxxxxxx
>> +1.613.220.3223
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> --
> Torkild Ulvøy Resheim
> Consultant / Eclipse Committer / Senior Software Developer
> Itema AS -
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