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Re: [science-iwg] DAWN Workshop 5th / 6th of June 2014

Hi Matt,

herewith I'd like to be registered.


Am 03.04.2014 18:08, schrieb Matt.Gerring@xxxxxxxxxxxxx:

Hi folks,


Please find attached the final workshop schedule.


To register please email me within the next 4 weeks and I will arrange for your site pass and meal tickets.


If you need help with travel and hotels please email: sarah.hartrampf@xxxxxxxxxxxxx or me.


Best Regards,





From: Gerring, Matt (DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI)
Sent: 01 April 2014 14:34
To: DAWN-DEV@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; DAWN@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; science-iwg@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: DAWN Workshop 5th / 6th of June 2014


Hi folks,


Hopefully you have all saved the 5th and/or 6th of June for the DAWN developers workshop? The planned agenda has an eclipse science working group day on the 5th because of the positive response - please let me know if you have changed your mind before I send around the agenda :)


The science working group day will also include a tour around the machine; it will be in shutdown then.


I will send around the agenda tomorrow.


If you are coming from overseas and would like help planning an activity on Saturday, please let me know.


Best Regards,




PS If you have seen a draft it might say 4/5 - but it is the 5th and 6th! There was a mistake on the draft...



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Dr. Philip Wenig

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