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[science-iwg] EclipseCon Session on (Science) Video Tutorials?


I didn't follow proposals for EclipseCon as it is too far for me and the work we got to do here in Q1, plus JCP EC duty brings me to San Francisco in late January already, so I can't take another week off so soon after.

However, I was wondering, if the idea for a Video Tutorial Session was proposed to this EclipseCon US? I talked to the Eclipse STEM team about the upcoming Science IWG charter and formation, especially where STEM may have something to contribute. 

Should the session about making a great video tutorial have been proposed and it's accepted, please note, the IBM Almaden part of the STEM team (including its lead Jamie) are based right outside San Jose and would be happy to be involved in that session if possible. You find links to a whole lot of the STEM Video tutorials on the project pages in several different languages from English to Spanish, Japanese or Hebrew.


On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 5:49 PM, <science-iwg-request@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
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Today's Topics:

   1. Science WG contact person (Philip Wenig)
   2. Draft charter for the group (Matt.Gerring@xxxxxxxxxxxxx)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 16:45:59 +0100
From: Philip Wenig <philip.wenig@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: science-iwg@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [science-iwg] Science WG contact person
Message-ID: <5298B6B7.4090507@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15; format=flowed

Hi folks,

Matthew Gerring from Diamond Light Source agreed on the BoF of the
EclipseCon Europe to be responsible for writing a proposal of the
Science WG charter. Furthermore, he will be the contact person for all
Science WG related issues together with Ralph from now on :-).

I'm leaving for a two month sabbatical and I'll be back in February 2014.


Dr. Philip Wenig


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 16:49:18 +0000
From: <Matt.Gerring@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <science-iwg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [science-iwg] Draft charter for the group
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Hi folks,

Here is the draft charter for the group. I would appreciate your comments and observations. Please have a read and send back your thoughts to me; or the group as a whole. I will try to incorporate everything!

Once agreed, the interfaces for the design will be made available on github along with examples on how to use them.

For writing the examples using the API, use cases for what you want to do would be very welcome! For instance:

1.      How to read HDF5 files

2.      How to write a data loader for a custom format.

3.      How to do common operations on data, min, max, slice etc.

4.      How to do various plots 1D, 2D, surface, stack etc.

5.      How to fit peaks, functions, etc.

6.      How to run peak finding and other algorithms in headless mode

7.      How to create a plotting tool with some mathematics.

8.      How to profile, sector, box, line, etc.

9.      How to create plotting on an SWT component.

10.   How to create a part with a plot (Already send this one)

>> ??

For the implementation I suggest to provide the plugins outside of an eclipse project context. This is because initially they will not have had eclipse check the implementation source for GPL, so they cannot be in an eclipse project until this part is complete. I assume that the interfaces will pass this process quickly so we can start with this and decide later the areas where effort should be done.

I would expect that everyone in the group will be able to run the examples with a reference implementation. From there, individual members can decide how much they would like to be involved with the group and where they would like to change things or contribute resources.

Best Regards,



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End of science-iwg Digest, Vol 10, Issue 22

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