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Re: [science-iwg] Review BoF EclipseCon

Yeah, I'm quite well again :-) ... I'm not used to stay up until 4 o'clock in the morning anymore ...

I like the sketch. We propably could add some additions for each column, e.g. "Persistence" -> HDF5, ...

Would you like to contact and ask the TeXlipse to join?


Am 01.11.2013 14:46, schrieb Stephan Druskat:
Hi All, hi Philip (hope you're feeling better ;)),

I was just gonna write the same! It's exciting to get this on its feet.

As the only one coming from the humanities it remains to be seen what I can actually contribute technically, but it's definitely exciting to be part of this. And I'd be happy to contribute on another, perhaps organizational, level if deemed helpful.

I've been briefly speaking to Philip about this: If (or rather: when) we get to the Simultaneous Release stage, we should take care to bring other - perhaps more peripherical - projects on board as well, for example the developers of TeXlipse, who may contribute to a release to make it a proper "scientific workbench".


Dr. Philip Wenig

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