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Re: [science-iwg] Conference call with Peter, Xihui and Matt


We in the Bioclipse project are also interested in migrating to xygraph (we are currently using a wrapped JFreeChart). We are in the process of documenting our custom additions and hope to be able to communicate these use cases soon.



On 23 okt 2013, at 09:51, Matt.Gerring@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Hi folks,
Thought everyone would appreciate some kind of feedback concerning the recent web conference about graphing.
We had a positive conference call about xy graph extensions and agreed the following:
1.      Matt will ensure that the accidental apache license headers in the DLS classes in the Diamond xygraph fork are changed to EPL.
2.      Xihui will consider the best implementation for the various requirements., for instance tick mark algorithm. This will include arbitrary label tick marks in the final design.
3.      Diamond will attempt to migrate to using org.eclipse.nebula.xygraph version once 2. is done (we will test against a fork Xihui will make first). This will mean some changes to our code because the API will change.
4.      Diamond will investigate if the selection regions figures can be made available to the nebula project (this plugin can be EPL licensed but will need some refactoring because it contains implementation of interfaces that would likely not be part of the xygraph nebula project).
5.      An agreement to work together on persistence of graph settings. Suggested is a bean saved with XMLEncoder or an eclipse preference based solution or something similar. The chosen solution will need to be customizable/extensible as graph settings cannot be global.
Best Regards,
Matt, Xihui and Peter



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