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[science-iwg] ECE 2013 - Science WG BoF

Hi Anne,

here the summary for the Science Working Group BoF:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> snip

Science is so damned boring and the Eclipse Rich Client Platform really sucks!


Congratulations, you've proceeded to read further on. A lot of research facilities and companies utilize the Eclipse RCP technology to calculate and visualize their data sets. There are Physicists, Biologists, Chemists, Linguists and many more. It's a world where the future is designed and more impressively, the Eclipse RCP is a major toolkit in this area. Hence, feel free to join us or to have a look a the Science WG wiki page:

You can also contact Ralph or Philip directly:

Ralph Müller (ralph.mueller@xxxxxxxxxxx)
Philip Wenig (philip.wenig@xxxxxxx)

We're looking forward to see you at the BoF. Science isn't as boring as it seems :-)!

<<<<<<<<<<<<<< snap

Dr. Philip Wenig

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