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[sapphire-dev] New topic in forum Sapphire, called Multiple columns in slush bucket, by David Fasani

Title: Eclipse Community Forums
Subject: Multiple columns in slush bucket Author: David Fasani Date: Tue, 26 April 2016 09:29
Is it possible to display multiple columns within a slush bucket ?

Like SqlSchemaEditor FK example, i'm trying to add an index master detail node.

An index has a name property and an indexcolumn list :

@Image(path = "index.gif")
public interface Index extends Element {
	ElementType TYPE = new ElementType(Index.class);

	// *** Name ***

	@Label(standard = "index name")
	@XmlBinding(path = "@name")

	ValueProperty PROP_NAME = new ValueProperty(TYPE, "Name");

	Value<String> getName();

	void setName(String name);

	// *** Columns ***

	@Type(base = IndexColumn.class)
	@XmlListBinding(mappings = @XmlListBinding.Mapping(element = "index-column", type = IndexColumn.class))
	@Length(min = 1, max = 32)
	@Service(impl = IndexValidationService.class)
	@Service(impl = IndexColumnNamePossibleValuesService.class)
	ListProperty PROP_INDEX_COLUMNS = new ListProperty(TYPE, "IndexColumns");

	ElementList<IndexColumn> getIndexColumns();


An IndexColumn holds a reference to an existing table column :

@Image(path = "Column.png")
public interface IndexColumn
    extends Element {

  ElementType TYPE = new ElementType(IndexColumn.class);

  // *** Name ***

  @Reference(target = Column.class)
  @ElementReference(list = "../../Columns", key = "Name")
  @XmlBinding(path = "@nameAttribute")
  @Service(impl = ColumnValueLabelService.class)

  ValueProperty PROP_COLUMN = new ValueProperty(TYPE, "Column");

  ReferenceValue<String, Column> getColumn();

  void setColumn(String value);

  void setColumn(Column value);


In a detail section I would like to display two properties of the referenced column in a slush bucket (name & description).
E.g. :

|    Name      |Description|                |    Name   |Description|
|--------------|-----------|                |-----------|-----------|  
|col1          | desc1     |                |           |           |
|col2          | desc2     |     --->       |           |           |
|col3          | desc3     |                |           |           |

Given the nested properties example, I tried -without success- to access directly to referenced column properties :


PS : Referencing the column property displays the table's column perfectly.

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