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[sapphire-dev] [Hudson] Build failed in Hudson: 9.0.x #74

See <>

Started by user konstantin.komissarchik@xxxxxxxxxx
Checkout:workspace / <> - hudson.remoting.LocalChannel@630b632e
Using strategy: Default
Last Built Revision: Revision 02bf4c5de835276675eca8b5e07e693b4798f3ba (origin/master)
Checkout:workspace / <> - hudson.remoting.LocalChannel@630b632e
Fetching changes from the remote Git repository
Fetching upstream changes from /gitroot/sapphire/org.eclipse.sapphire.git
Commencing build of Revision 02bf4c5de835276675eca8b5e07e693b4798f3ba (origin/master)
Checking out Revision 02bf4c5de835276675eca8b5e07e693b4798f3ba (origin/master)
[locks-and-latches] Checking to see if we really have the locks
[locks-and-latches] Have all the locks, build can start
Starting xvnc
[workspace] $ Xvnc :83 -geometry 1024x768 -depth 24 -ac
[workspace] $ /shared/common/apache-ant-1.8.4/bin/ant -file build.xml -Dhttps.proxyPort=9898 -Dfindbugs.location=/shared/common/findbugs-3.0.0/ -Dsign=true -DftpnonProxyHosts=* -Dftp.proxyPort=9898 -Dwarnings=true " " -D-Dbuild.compiler=javac1.6 -Ddownloads=/shared/technology/sapphire/downloads -DSigning.Library=sign-hudson.xml -Dhttp.proxyPort=9898 -DhttpnonProxyHosts=* -Denv.JDK_16_HOME=/shared/common/jdk1.6.0_27.x86_64 -DhttpsnonProxyHosts=* hudson-build
04/12/2014 19:13:52 Xvnc version custom version
04/12/2014 19:13:52 Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Alan Hourihane.
04/12/2014 19:13:52 Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Constantin Kaplinsky
04/12/2014 19:13:52 Copyright (C) 1999 AT&T Laboratories Cambridge
04/12/2014 19:13:52 All Rights Reserved.
04/12/2014 19:13:52 See for information on TightVNC
04/12/2014 19:13:52 See for xf4vnc-specific information
04/12/2014 19:13:52 Desktop name 'x11' (hipp1:83)
04/12/2014 19:13:52 Protocol versions supported: 3.7, 3.3
04/12/2014 19:13:52 RGB format 8 8 8
04/12/2014 19:13:52 Listening for VNC connections on TCP port 5983
[dix] Could not init font path element /usr/share/fonts/TTF/, removing from list!
[dix] Could not init font path element /usr/share/fonts/OTF, removing from list!
(EE) config/hal: NewInputDeviceRequest failed (2)
(EE) config/hal: NewInputDeviceRequest failed (2)
Buildfile: /jobs/
     [echo] Java Version: 1.8.0

     [echo] Found an up-to-date version of Sapphire releng Ant library. Skipping build...

     [echo] Building Sapphire releng tools...
   [delete] Deleting directory /jobs/
    [mkdir] Created dir: /jobs/

/jobs/ Class not found: javac1.8

Total time: 1 second
Terminating xvnc.
[locks-and-latches] Releasing all the locks
[locks-and-latches] All the locks released
[FINDBUGS] Skipping publisher since build result is FAILURE
[WARNINGS] Skipping publisher since build result is FAILURE
Archiving artifacts
Recording test results

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