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[sapphire-dev] New topic in forum Sapphire, called Can Sapphire be used with EMF models?, by Dmitri Pisarenko

Title: Eclipse Community Forums
Subject: Can Sapphire be used with EMF models? Author: Dmitri Pisarenko Date: Wed, 05 November 2014 10:04

Currently, I'm evaluating EMFForms for building UIs for instances of EMF models.

In case EMFForms doesn't allow to customize a particular aspect of the UI (UIs generated by EMFForms are less pretty than those generated by Sapphire), I'd like to use Sapphire for the UI part (for displaying values of an EMF model instance and for automatically saving the values entered by the user in that model).


1) Is it possible?
2) What disadvantages does this approach have?

Thanks in advance

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