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[sapphire-dev] properties view contributions

Hey everyone,

I believe that the recent changes to SapphireEditor and the registration of diagram pages has broken the property page contributions.  To see this load the architecture editor and notice that selecting the diagram nodes doesn't display the correct properties view. So it looks like SapphireEditor#partByPage map doesn't contain the SapphireDiagramEditor at the time it is expected so the listener for setting the property page based on diagram page selection is never attached.  I can work around this issue in my adopter product by specifically setting setPageId() but just wanted to mention it that the ArchitectureEditor is not working as expected.


Greg Amerson
Liferay, Inc.
8-9 October 2012 | Liferay North America Symposium |
16-17 October 2012 | Liferay Europe Symposium |
24-25 October 2012 | Liferay Spain Symposium |

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