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[sapphire-dev] Custom contribution items in toolbar

Hello again,

If you haven't determined it yet, I'm trying to replace an existing editor I wrote that has a rudimentary Forms based UI with a new editor based on Sapphire.  So far I've been able to do everything I was doing before (and so, so much more!) with the sapphire based one.  There is one item that I am missing right now and thats custom buttons in a toolbar.  In my previous editor I would add ToolbarButtonContribution class which is a subclass of ControlContribution that lets you add an arbitrary control to a toolbar.  In my case I wanted to show a toolbar button that had the text label as well as an image.  I copied this code from Mylyn, how they use the custom buttons in the toolbars of many of their task editors.  (See mylyn-style-toolbar-items.png)

Is there a way to accomplish this with Actions contributed via sapphire-extensions.xml?  I have my action showing up correctly but it is just the icon, no text (See sapphire-toolbar-item.png)


Greg Amerson
Liferay, Inc.

East Coast Symposium 2011

May 10-11, 2011

Register today:

New! Attend Portal Administrator Training Express or Building Themes in Liferay on May 9 at the same location as ECS!

Attachment: mylyn-style-toolbar-items.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: sapphire-toolbar-item.png
Description: PNG image

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