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Re: [sapphire-dev] Computing image per entry for list element property

Hi Greg,


This particular property currently does not accept expressions, but we can certainly improve that. Please open an enhancement request.


Another way to accomplish what you are after is by associating an image with a model element via @Image/ImageProvider and then specify in sdef that element’s image should be used (the checkbox right beneath your highlight).


- Konstantin



From: sapphire-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:sapphire-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Greg Amerson
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 3:31 PM
To: sapphire-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [sapphire-dev] Computing image per entry for list element property


Hello Konstantin


Thanks again to you and whoever else is responsible for putting Sapphire out in open source.  It is going to save adopters like me that need to build out several advanced XML editors that are specific to my companies' runtime a lot of time!


I had a question about the Image path property on a Default Case for a Content Outline Node List.  Is there a way that the image path could be computed as opposed to hard coded?  In my example I have a Content Outline Node list that shows IColumn entities.  For these entities I have a default image I want to show.  However, for one of these columns, if there is an attribute (primary="true") I'd like to display another image so the users can visually see which column is specified as the primary key column.  So I guess I'm really asking if the Image path property could be specified as an EL _expression_ as opposed to just a string?

Greg Amerson
Liferay, Inc.

East Coast Symposium 2011

May 10-11, 2011

Register today:

New! Attend Portal Administrator Training Express or Building Themes in Liferay on May 9 at the same location as ECS!


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