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[sapphire-dev] Diagram parts added to the sdef editor



I finished the initial cut at implementing support for editing diagram parts in the sdef editor. I made a few fixes to the diagram part definitions as I went along, mostly for terminology consistency and to apply the needed constraint annotations. Let me know if any of my changes don’t make sense.


One of the things that I noticed is inconsistency in the use of the @Localizable annotation. You should apply this annotation to every value property that holds text that potentially may need to be translated (labels, etc.). This annotation is used at build time to generate .properties file to go along with sdef files that translators will use to produce translations. Do apply this to properties holding functions as long as somewhere in a function there is a translatable string literal. Do not apply this to properties holding ids, numbers, etc.


Here are “migration notes” on xml markup changes:


problem-indicator    -> problem-decorator

   top-margin/bottom-margin -> vertical-margin

   left-margin/right-margin -> horizontal-margin


image                     image

   value                       id

   image-placement             placement


   imageChoice                 possible

       id                          id

       path                        path


label                 label      or just <label>text</label> if no width/height

   content                text


I didn’t create formal migration instructions since we never shipped the original version in a release. I have updated the map sample already. Please make corresponding updates in OEPE. Let me know if my notes aren’t clear.


Here are bugs that I opened for the remaining issues that I identified during this exercise:


Bug 340389 - Rework diagram node default action and drop service


Bug 340388 - Retrieve image size from the image


Bug 340387 - Diagram connection line width should not be a hint


Bug 340390 - Improve diagram connection endpoint specification


Bug 340391 - Support more than one embedded connection binding per node


Bug 340392 - Diagram connection endpoint type not wired anything




- Konstantin

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