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[rt-pmc] Juno release docuware

As discussed in the release requirements wiki ( each project is required to submit release review documentation (typically by mid-week during RC3).  In past years it was a requirement that the docuware get approved by the project's PMC before submitting it to the EMO.  This year, for the Juno release, the PMC approval is no longer necessary.

With that said the RT PMC still requests that projects submit their docuware to the RT PMC mailing list for review and comments.  While the docuware no longer needs to be approved by the project PMC we still think it is valuable in the RT PMC to post the release docuware to the PMC.  This allows for project leads to receive feedback from the PMC and also helps keep the PMC informed about the diverse set of RT project releases that are occurring and participating in the Juno release.



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