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Re: [rt-pmc] Swordfish Release

Title: Re: [rt-pmc] Swordfish Release
My mailer was hiding this message when I made my previous response...

Thanks for the clarification Oliver.

>From the PMC point of view, this is fine.  We do not speak for the IP team however and will defer to their risk assessment.

There is some question about the testedness of the release.  For example, what was being tested prior to the release?  What will have been thoroughly tested after the changes you propose here?  As Swordfish is in incubation these concerns are not primary but it is still a topic to consider.


Oliver Wolf wrote:
Dear RT PMC Members,

since this issue cannot wait until the July 15th, I’d like to give you an update on the current state of affairs:

The Swordfish project is currently investigating the gaps/discrepancies regarding IP compliance in depth.
It turns out that most of the third party contributions that have accidentally been included in the release without proper IP clearance can actually be removed without any impact on functionality. They have been pulled in as downstream dependencies of other 3rd party libs, but are purely optional and not critical for our purposes. Fortunately, these include the ones considered critical by the IP team (cglib, staxex, stax2).

There are, however,  some contributions remaining which are needed and don’t have corresponding CQs. Odds are good that these are exclusively originating from Apache licensed projects hosted at the Apache Foundation and can probably be considered comparatively low risk.

We’re going to provide the findings of our investigation to the PMC for your attention by EOB today. If there are no objections from your side, we can further discuss the next steps here on the mailing list. If you feel that a phone conference would be more appropriate, please suggest a time and we’d be happy to accomodate.


Am 29.06.09 11:45 schrieb "Christian Campo" unter <christian.campo@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:

Hi Ricco,

the plan was to skip the next RT PMC Call and the next planned one is on the 15th of July.

christian campo

Am 29.06.2009 um 11:37 schrieb Ricco Deutscher:

 May I suggest to use  the next RT PMC call  for a presentation by Oliver as the Swordfish project lead. The presentation should address the following questions:
  • What is the level of discrepancy?
  • What are the root causes for these discrepancies?
  • What are the measures the PL suggests to the PMC?

 Is it correct, that the next RT PMC call takes place on Wednesday, July 1st at 9am EST/3pm CET?
 Any comments or additions?
 Am 29.06.09 02:51 schrieb "Mike Milinkovich" unter <mike.milinkovich@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
 It has come to the attention of the EMO that there are discrepancies between the list of third-party packages listed by the Swordfish project in its Release Review documentation and their filed CQs and what is actually shipping with their release. The EMO would like the PMC’s concurrence to removing this release and revoking Swordfish’s Release Review until these discrepancies are addressed.
 I am on vacation this week, if you have any questions please use Wayne Beaton as your EMO point person on this issue.
 Mike Milinkovich
 Executive Director
 Eclipse Foundation, Inc.
 Office: +1.613.224.9461 x228
 Mobile: +1.613.220.3223
 twitter: @mmilinkov

Oliver Wolf
Lead Architect Runtime Platform
Tel.:    +49 228-182 19059
Fax:    +49 228-182 19193
Mobil:  +49 160-98931313

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