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RE: [riena-dev] Riena Developers list

Hi Christian,
      Thank you much.
      I am using Riena 1.0 and this extension comes with all the example plugin as well. My application was choking on loading one of the examples, though error showed up in RemoteService. I removed all the examples from my target platform and then it worked.

Thanks again,

From: christian.campo@xxxxxxxxxxxx
To: riena-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [riena-dev] Riena Developers list
Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 09:16:21 +0200

Hi Prasanna,

since I believe that you classes compile ok, I believe the problem is maybe related to the launch configuration. I fyou look at the launch config for the client, have you tried the "add required bundles" or "Validate Plug-ins" button. They could point to problems.

Is the bundle org.eclipse.riena.communication.core marked with a check box in the launch config....? I believe it does not find the RemoteServiceFactory not your own class. So the BuddyPolicy does help here....


Am 15.04.2009 um 19:24 schrieb Prasanna Tummala:


      Using the Riena Ping Pong as an example i am trying to make my RCP as client server. I have a Riena server running (Almost same as the Ping Pong example. From my RCP i am trying to invoke this Riena Server using the following code.

    public void create()
        // register hessian proxy for nyote remote service
        rsf = new RemoteServiceFactory();
        Class<?> serviceInterface = IDCT2000ClientServerCommon.class;
        String url = ""http://localhost:8080/hessian/myServer">http://localhost:8080/hessian/myServer";
        String protocol = "hessian"; //$NON-NLS-1$
        myProxyReg = rsf.createAndRegisterProxy(serviceInterface,
                url, "hessian", context);


and i get class not found exception trying to invoke new RemoteServiceFactory as shown below.
Exception in thread "Thread-15" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/riena/communication/core/factory/RemoteServiceFactory
    at com.catt.tb.mytest.clientconfig.TBClientConfigActivator.create(
    at com.catt.tb.mytest.internal.MyProcess.start(

I tried to add following in my common plugin but with no luck. I really appreciate your help in solving this.
Dynamic-ImportPackage: *
Eclipse-RegisterBuddy: org.eclipse.riena.communication.core
Require-Bundle: org.eclipse.riena.communication.core


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