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Re: [riena-dev] riena projects

Hi Elias,

Currently (before that) we had org.eclipse.riena.client and org.eclipse.riena.server. Those projects did not contain anything but rather they were aggregators so that somebody who wants to write a Riena Client app would just define a dependency to org.eclipse.riena.client and gets reexported everything that he possibly needs.

Recently we come accross situations where people only like to use portions of Riena. So everyone who likes to use the Riena ridgets but rather not the Riena navigation and the application model, he would define his client code to be dependant to be dependant of org.eclipse.riena.client.ridgets. Similar people only interested in using Riena Remote Services can define a dependency again org.eclipse.riena.client.communication and get the required stuff.

We dont have that distrinction yet on the server because there is not some much stuff there. But that will eventually follow.

In the future we might also break up Riena into multiple features like o.e.riena.demo.feature, o.e.riena.example.feature, o.e.riena.ridgets.feature o.e.riena.runtime.feature and so on. That people could then only install the piece into their target platform that they really need.

hope the helps

Am 09.04.2009 um 21:40 schrieb Elias Volanakis:

Hi Christian,

just curious: can you quickly explain the role of
org.eclipse.riena.client.communication and
org.eclipse.riena.client.ridgets? What goes in there or when would I
want to use them?


On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 8:26 AM, Christian Campo
<Christian.Campo@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
hi rienaers,

I have added a number of projects, moved content etc. Please make sure you

christian campo
riena-dev mailing list

Elias Volanakis | Technical Lead | EclipseSource Portland
elias@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | +1 503 929 5537 |
riena-dev mailing list

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