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Re: [riena-dev] Test friendly LOGGER pattern

+1 for the proposal from Stefan.

I think we should keep RienaActivator and RienaPlugin as long as the equivalent exists in the Eclipse space. (Plugin and Activator)

While we might have a preference for one of them, other users of Riena might think different.


Am 06.03.2009 um 11:09 schrieb Stefan Liebig:

See comments below.

Elias Volanakis wrote:
One more thing to consider:

- In this case: LoggerUtils.getLogger(Activator.getDefault(),
ImageStore.class);  we would need two LoggerUtils implementaions,
because Activator.getDefault() can be either from core (RienaPlugin,
RienaActivator) or from UI (AbstractRienaUIPlugin)
No. I did not mention that I introduced a new interface with the getLogger() stuff. This has to be implemented by activators that get passed to the LoggerUtil.getLogger(..). These methods (getLogger(),..) are already within the activators they only have to add the ´implements´ statement.
- in the other case we would have three copies of the boilerplate code
in RienaPlugin, RienaActivator, AbstractRienaUIPlugin.
No, I don´t think so. If I get you right you added in your proposal a static getLogger() to the activator, which in turn uses the static getDefault(). The getDefault() is not (and can not be) part of the abstract activators. So, this would require to add the static getLogger() to all activators. Or?
I'm wondering is there a difference between RienaPlugin and
RienaActivator? If we only had one of those, both cases would need two
copies ;-)
Yes, I think this has some historical reasons. When we began we were more ´OSGi-addicted´. This is the reason for the RienaActivator.
Maybe we can drop it!

Otherwise the first case is a little better (one copy less).

Thinking aloud,

On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 11:24 PM, Stefan Liebig
<Stefan.Liebig@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
This is definitely shorter, but it has the downside of putting boiler plate
code (the elsewhere code) into each bundles activator.
Maintenance of this code gets more difficult.

So, I personally would prefer this pattern:
    private final static Logger LOGGER =
LoggerUtil.getLogger(Activator.getDefault(), ImageStore.class);


Elias Volanakis wrote:

Along those lines: how about making getLogger(...) static and moving the
logic into there:
private final static Logger LOGGER = Activator.getLogger(FooClass.class);
// elsewhere:
class Activator {
public static Logger getLogger(Class clazz) {
   if(getDefault() == null) {
       return ... normal logger...
   return new ConsoleLogger(clazz.getName());
On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 1:37 AM, Stefan Liebig <Stefan.Liebig@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
How about something like this:

    private final static Logger LOGGER =
LoggerUtil.getLogger(Activator.getDefault(), ImageStore.class);

Looks much nicer to me. ;-)


Elias Volanakis wrote:

Just a quick tip:
If you use static LOGGER fields, I recommend using the pattern (b)
below. It avoids a NPE exception when calling
Activator.getDefault().getLogger(), which usually happens when running test
suites as "plain" junit tests.
(a) Problematic with Junit:

public final class MyClass {
private static final Logger LOGGER =
(b) Works well with Junit:
public final class MyClass {
private static final Logger LOGGER;
static {
if (Activator.getDefault() != null) {
LOGGER = Activator.getDefault().getLogger(MyClass.class);
} else {
LOGGER = new ConsoleLogger(MyClass.class.getName());
I know that some test cases must be run as "plug-in" tests, but I usually
run individual test cases for stuff I'm working on as "regular" unit-tests,
because they start much faster :-)
Viele Gruesse,

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Elias Volanakis
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