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[rest-dev] MultiPart Problems

Hi everyone,


I am developing a workshop for the Eclipse Foundation on Jakarta 10 REST 3.1 services. The workshop is divided into 8 modules. There is one module I cannot get my code to work and that is using MultiPart to either upload or download an image file.


It should be straightforward. I have modules that take advantage of the automatic conversion from an object to a JSON serialized version of the object and vice versa. I show both SeBootstrap and server-based REST services and REST clients. I even show code using either Jersey or RESTEasy.


Things have fallen apart when it comes to MultiPart. Let us begin with where I am stuck. Many have written about MultiPart, but I have yet to find any working examples. There are articles that show how to code the rest service end point and articles on how to write clients. What I have not found is an article or text that presents both the service endpoint and a matching client for MultiPart. Here is an example of what I mean from the official Eclipse documentation:


In the text is this code fragment:



public class WidgetsResource4 {




    public Response postWidget(@FormParam("part1Name") String part1,

                               @FormParam("part2Name") InputStream part2,

                               @FormParam("part3Name") EntityPart part3) {...}



There is no example how you might call this service. If I place this code in an SeBootstrap service and have it return Response.ok().build() I get:


WARNING: No injection source found for a parameter of type public com.eclipse.restsebootstrap.FileUploadService.postWidget(java.lang.String,, at index 2.

WARNING: No injection source found for a parameter of type public com.eclipse.restsebootstrap.FileUploadService.uploadFile(java.lang.String, at index 1.


I do not get any warnings when deployed as part of a server-based endpoint, but it just won’t work, throwing exceptions due to a null EntityPart. While they may be just warnings for a specific POST service, any other services that would normally run, fail as well. Remove this POST service and the remaining services work.


I suspect that there is a library I am missing in my dependencies. I discovered just yesterday that there are two Response classes, one for Servlets & family and one for web services. Rarely do online examples discuss dependencies. When there is code to download from a Git repo it is usually part of a project where numerous demos all use the same pom file with an overwhelming number of dependencies and plugins. Every example I am developing has its own repo.


All I am begging/pleading/asking for is a simple example of uploading and downloading binary files in a web service. While it should not make a difference, I work on Windows.


Ken Fogel

Java Champion

JChampions Conference Organizer

JCP Executive Committee Member

Research Scholar in Residence, Dawson College

Author of Transitioning to Java

All around nice guy, usually.


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