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[reddeer-dev] Committer Election for Josef Kopriva on Eclipse RedDeer has started

A committer election for Josef Kopriva on project Eclipse RedDeer
(technology.reddeer) was started by Ondrej Dockal with this criteria:

Josef has been a valuable contributor to RedDeer project for over two years
now and we would like to see his commitment to be raised up to next level. He
is and will be a valuable member as he proved himself in contributing to
RedDeer and another Eclipse project (Linuxtools) as well.

RedDeer contributions:
$ git log --pretty=format:'%h - %cd, %an : %s' --date=short --author "\(Josef
b95372e7 - 2018-08-28, Josef Kopriva : Fixes Eclipse wizard dialogs should
handle open perspective shell #1565
f7a08525 - 2018-03-02, Josef Kopriva : Implementation of BrowserContainsText
condition (#1879)
9548226f - 2017-12-05, Josef Kopriva : Fixes import in manifest for
org.eclipse.reddeer.graphiti (fixes #1865)
f98cd624 - 2017-11-30, Josef Kopriva : Add catch block in cleanup() method in
test KeyboardTest(Fixes #1863)
85e5494c - 2017-11-29, Josef Kopriva : Fixes regex matcher failures during
finding widgets (fixes #1841)
36943b31 - 2017-02-01, jkopriva : Added missing error messages(fixes #1582)
e230af4b - 2016-07-25, jkopriva : Added logic for working with Maven
Archetypes Catalogs (implements #1350).
50b107ca - 2016-07-13, jkopriva : New condition
TableHasRow(Table,Matchers...) (implements #1385)
90a54e3d - 2016-04-13, jkopriva : Fixes select method of RadioButton (fixes

Linuxtools contributions:
8667011ae - Fri Apr 20 08:44:39 2018 -0400, Josef Kopriva : Bug 533846 -
Update RedDeer 2.1.0 in integration tests for Docker Tooling
e8973cb8e - Mon Jan 29 15:00:22 2018 -0500, Josef Kopriva : Bug 526405 -
Remove constructor NewDockerConnectionPage()
a99372554 - Thu Dec 14 14:40:16 2017 -0500, Josef Kopriva : Bug 528271 - Use
RedDeer 2.0.1 Final in integration tests for Docker Tooling and update target
3f579decf - Fri Oct 13 16:52:00 2017 -0400, Josef Kopriva : Bug 525911 - Use
RedDeer 2.0 Final in integration tests for Docker Tooling
f59270b9a - Tue Aug 1 13:58:46 2017 -0400, Josef Kopriva : Bug 520394 - Add
profile for configuring target platform in Integration Tests package
8114a2385 - Mon Jul 31 12:51:12 2017 -0400, jkopriva : Bug 519932 - Implement
new integration tests for Docker Tooling
a7f5849f4 - Mon Apr 10 15:44:26 2017 -0400, jkopriva : Bug 510754 -
Integration tests for Docker Tooling (+ Mockito)

Eclipse RedDeer project committers can click the election link below to vote.



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