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Re: [recommenders-dev] 'Workspace-Local Code Search' project Compile error


I have fixed all the errors now. I run the project as a "java application" and there are more classes eligible to run. Which is the exact class have to run. I cannot find it as I less understanding about the code. I there any documentation about this module where i can find the details about the class.

Thank you very much about your kind support so far

Thank you,
Malintha Adikari

From: malintha.adikari@xxxxxxxxxxx
To: recommenders-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2013 16:22:59 +0600
Subject: Re: [recommenders-dev] 'Workspace-Local Code Search' project Compile error


I think I have done the set target platform correctly now. In the source code there is one error remaining.

In class

Error: import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;

There is an error in importing above package. Can you tel me the cause for this error.

Thank you very much for the support.


From: marcel.bruch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2013 09:54:39 +0100
To: recommenders-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [recommenders-dev] 'Workspace-Local Code Search' project Compile error

Hi Malintha,

can you describe your issue with the target platform in more detail? Setting the target platform for your workspace is essential to make the code compile. You may have a look at [1] as starting point.


-- – The knowledge transfer company

On Feb 25, 2013, at 9:51 PM, Malintha Adikari <malintha.adikari@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


I am now using eclispse juno instead of helios. I have imported the two projects to my workspace


I am trying to compile 'org.eclipse.recommenders.codesearch.rcp.index' project. 

I added google guava to the manifest file ("")

I tried to run it as a java application. Then there are several main methods I can run.Which is the exact java class to run ?

Am I on the correct path ? Because still the project has some errors.


there is an error in src

package org.eclipse.recommenders.codesearch.rcp.index.ui;    package "PreferencePage" class in following import

"import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;"

and there are more import errors. 

Thank you,
Malintha Adikari

> Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2013 18:01:02 +0100
> From: andreas.sewe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> To: recommenders-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [recommenders-dev] 'Workspace-Local Code Search' project Compile error
> Hi,
> > Thank you very much for your response.
> > 
> > I run the project as 'Maven build'
> > 
> > Then I get these errors
> > 
> > 
> > SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
> > SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
> > SLF4J: See for
> > further details.
> > [INFO] Scanning for projects...
> > [ERROR] The build could not read 1 project -> [Help 1]
> > [ERROR] 
> > [ERROR] The project
> > org.eclipse.recommenders.codesearch:org.eclipse.recommenders.codesearch.rcp.index:0.1.0-SNAPSHOT
> > (/home/malintha/eclipse-gsoc/project/org.eclipse.recommenders.codesearch/org.eclipse.recommenders.codesearch.rcp.index/pom.xml)
> > has 1 error
> > [ERROR] Non-resolvable parent POM for
> > org.eclipse.recommenders.codesearch:org.eclipse.recommenders.codesearch.parent:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT:
> > Could not transfer artifact org.eclipse:eclipse-parent:pom:3 from/to
> > eclipse-juno ( No connector
> > available to access repository eclipse-juno
> > ( of type p2 using the
> > available factories AsyncRepositoryConnectorFactory,
> > WagonRepositoryConnectorFactory and 'parent.relativePath' points at
> > wrong local POM @
> > org.eclipse.recommenders.codesearch:org.eclipse.recommenders.codesearch.parent:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT,
> > /home/malintha/eclipse-gsoc/project/org.eclipse.recommenders.codesearch/pom.xml,
> > line 5, column 13 -> [Help 2]
> > [ERROR]
> > [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the
> > -e switch.
> > [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
> > [ERROR]
> > [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions,
> > please read the following articles:
> > [ERROR] [Help 1]
> >
> > [ERROR] [Help 2]
> >
> ah, now that's much more helpful.
> The POM of the org.eclipse.recommenders.codesearch.parent project says
> it inherits from the eclipse-parent project, but that project cannot be
> found in a Maven repository declared in the POM.
> It is available at the Eclipse Nexus repo, however:
> <;quick~eclipse-parent>.
> Simply at this repository
> <> to your
> settings.xml; Maven should then pick up the eclipse-parent from there.
> Hope this helps.
> Andreas
> -- 
> - the knowledge transfer company
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