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Re: [rdf4j-dev] merge strategy: back to merge commits?

On Fri, Oct 9, 2020, at 09:26, Peter Ansell wrote:
If you are merging locally rather than using the Github "Merge Pull
Request" button you can rebase and make sure that the Author field
stays intact before pushing. There are "Command line instructions"
that you can copy and paste for fetching pull requests locally to
avoid the first part being a complication but knowing how to rebase is
still a requirement for that method.

Actually, I don't think we can do that. We have branch protections in place to avoid people pushing directly to master or develop. We could disable that again of course, but I think we are throwing away too much convenience if we stop using Github's Merge button altogether, for a perceived benefit (clean history) that is, when all is said and done, nice to have for the occasional digging through our history, but not _that_ critical for our day to day.

There's also the fact that AFAIK there's no way to disable the Github merge button, so if we went this way we'd have to slap big warnings on the PR template to say "DON'T PUSH MERGE, USE COMMAND LINE REBASE INSTEAD". 

I also want the process to be simple (as in: it doesn't need a long set of instructions, it's just obvious or very similar to what most projects do), and I am not confident about making rebase the de-facto standard in an open-source repository with multiple contributors. What people do on their own branches and forks is up to them of course.



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