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Re: [rdf4j-dev] Status on FedX integration and next steps

On Sun, Nov 24, 2019 at 11:01 PM Andreas Schwarte <aschwarte10@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I would like to summarize the current status of the FedX integration into RDF4J once more and also outline some next steps.

Code-wise the integration of FedX has currently been done to the rdf4j-tools-federation module. We also did some larger refactorings of the code to better align and integrate it with RDF4J. From my point of view on the code-level we are mostly good now.


Partially still open is the IP process from the Eclipse Foundation (see So far we got clearance for submission of the code to the repository, while the IP clearance is going on in the background. I am not entirely sure if we explicitly have to trigger this once more, as there was no communication for a while. Jeen, what do you think?

I expect it is simply taking a while, the legal team has limited resources, though it may also have fallen off their radar. I see you asked for a status update, if we get no response on that in the next few days I'll start prodding a little bit more insistently.

While finalization of the IP process blocks us from doing an official release, nothing stops us from doing a few milestone builds at least, to get the code in the hands of early adopters. The deadline for such a milestone is basically up to you Andreas: as soon as you indicate you are confident and happy the FedX code is in a good state we can do a milestone build - it doesn't even need to be feature-complete so other new development (such as e.g. the new elasticsearch-store) can be left out if they're not yet ready. In terms of effort a milestone build is on the order of a patch release: we can do one with quick turnaround and a minimum of fuss.

Besides this I would see the following as open tasks for the release:

* have a more close integration of the code into RDF4J (e.g. bundling with the RDF4J server / workbench to allow defining federations from the RDF4J workbench UI).
* provide a bundled repository template for the RDF4J workbench
* fine-tune the existing documentation (particularly w.r.t the RDF4J workbench integration)

How do we best proceed here? I think it roughly belongs to

Jeen, can you provide guidance on how we best get to a conclusion for above topics?

I'd say the integration with RDF4J Server and Workbench (especially doing UI integration to allow fedx repo creation) is very much its own task, and I'd create a separate issue for that - it seems to be distinct from more general code reorganization like what goes in which module. Possibly it makes sense to work on #1556 before that though, as it will likely impact what the integration looks like. I'm not entirely sure what you mean with a "bundled repository template" to be honest, can you clarify? Documentation is always an ongoing thing. I'm fairly happy with the documentation that you've already lined up to be published. As long as we ensure that that is still correct with the most recent changes you did, I think it's good enough for a first release.

From my point of view, resolution one way or the other of #1556 is the only potential blocker for release, as it directly impacts how end users interface with the code: I'd prefer to have that in a steady state before (milestone) release. Anything else (UI integration, better documentation) is the cherry on top :)



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