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[rdf4j-dev] Error in test


I’m getting an error on develop in rdf4j-storage in SPARQLServiceEvaluationTest.

Error: org.eclipse.rdf4j.repository.RepositoryException: Handler dispatch failed; nested exception is java.lang.AbstractMethodError: Method org/eclipse/rdf4j/sail/memory/MemoryStoreConnection.pendingRemovals()Z is abstract

I have tried to do mvn clean, delete the rdf4j directory in .m2 and done a new install. Still fails. It does not fail on jenkins. 

Jenkins thinks everything is fine … but I don’t trust jenkins. 

Could someone else 
 - checkout develop on rdf4j-storage
 - mvn clean
 - rm -r  ~/.m2/repository/org/eclipse/rdf4j/
 - mvn clean install


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