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Re: [rdf4j-dev] How to best setup dev workspace



Well, that seems to be correct, since the documentation ( mentions:


“The major and minor version of the master and develop branches do not include a patch number and always have a SNAPSHOT tag. The master and develop versions always matches the pattern MAJOR.MINOR-SNAPSHOT.


The master version always has the same major and minor number as the latest release while the develop version uses the next expected major/minor release number, such as 2.1-SNAPSHOT and 2.2-SNAPSHOT respectively (after a 2.1.x release, but before any 2.2.x releases are made public).”



Best regards





From: rdf4j-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx <rdf4j-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Håvard Ottestad
Sent: maandag 6 mei 2019 9:29
To: rdf4j developer discussions <rdf4j-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [rdf4j-dev] How to best setup dev workspace


I noticed that we are still on 2.5-SNAPSHOT on master. Shouldn’t it be 2.5.2-SNAPSHOT? Since we have release 2.5.1 already and develop is on 3.0-SNAPSHOT?


Don’t know if this is related. Couldn’t find anything else potentially wrong in any of the pom files. 

Btw. I’ve sometimes had success with going to ~/.m2/org/eclipse and deleting rdf4j. 


On 6 May 2019, at 09:14, Bart Hanssens (BOSA) <bart.hanssens@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

FWIW, I just tried a fresh checkout of the master branch, and what works for me is:


  • Removing the local maven repo (or at least the org/eclipse/rdf4j parts)
  • Cloning the rdf4j repo’s
  • Running `mvn clean install -DskipTests` on rdf4j, rdf4j-storage, rdf4j-tools (in that order)


This seemed to work just fine, and a ‘mvn clean install´ on rdf4j-testsuite also ran successfully, including the SHACL compliance tests.


System is an ARM Debian with 64-bit OpenJDK8 1.8.0_212

I don’t run `mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse`, but I’m not using Eclipse either… (headless server or Netbeans)



Best regards




From: rdf4j-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx <rdf4j-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Andreas Schwarte
Sent: dinsdag 30 april 2019 12:33
To: rdf4j developer discussions <rdf4j-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [rdf4j-dev] How to best setup dev workspace




thanks for the reply.


In the mean-time I got a few steps further: I tried executing the mvn commands again (and likely in a different order). My Eclipse workspace looks quite OK right now.


The only problem I am currently seeing is that some of the "compliance" tests do not work when I execute them from within Eclipse. For instance when running "SHACLComplianceTest", I get the following exception:


java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.memory.MemoryStore.init()V
    at org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.shacl.ShaclSailConnection.getNewMemorySail(
    at org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.shacl.ShaclSailConnection.fillAddedAndRemovedStatementRepositories(

The classpath of the project within Eclipse looks OK though, and I don't see why it attempts to use a pre 2.5.x version of the Repository interface, where the init() method was not present. Is there maybe some "maven" magic in place for compliance tests that uses an older snapshot version somehow?


For reference: I used roughly the following steps for my setup


1) Clone repos, checkout latest master branch

2) rdf4j:   

    > mvn clean install -DskipTests

    > mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse


  => import all project with prefix "rdf4j-" into the Eclipse workspace


3) rdf4j-storage:

    > mvn clean install -DskipTests

    > mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse


  => import all project with prefix "rdf4j-" into the Eclipse workspace



Can anybody confirm that this sequence is the appropriate way to setup the workspace? If not: what is the best way.


Regarding your question: I am currently using a JDK 1.8.0_192







Am Di., 30. Apr. 2019 um 09:29 Uhr schrieb Bart Hanssens (BOSA) <bart.hanssens@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:

Hi Andreas,


Could you perhaps share some of the compilation problems and warnings you’re getting and what you needed to change, and what jdk you’re using ?

There’s also one specific OpenJDK 8 (64-bit 8-jdk_8u181-b13-2) that just doesn’t work because of a JDK bug.


Best regards




From: rdf4j-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx <rdf4j-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Andreas Schwarte
Sent: dinsdag 30 april 2019 8:23
To: rdf4j developer discussions <rdf4j-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [rdf4j-dev] How to best setup dev workspace




yesterday I was trying to setup my RDF4J workspace again from scratch, but I am facing compilation pronlems and warnings over and over. Some of them are easy too resolve, others I do not have a clue why they appear in the first place.


Can you please share how you setup the RDF4J projects in an Eclipse workspace? Or is there maybe documentation for that somewhere (I couldn't find anything on this).


I have tried the following already


1. GIT clone of the repositories into my local workspace

2. Import with two alternatives

a) Import projects using Eclipse Maven import (i.e. based on the existing POMs)

b) "mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse" in each of the repos, and then import of the projects



Note that I used the latest "master" branch of each of the repos.


Thanks for any hint,


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