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Re: [rdf4j-dev] testsuite refactor about to be merged

It seems my plan to have http/sparql repository compliance run against a fixed version of rdf4j-server is not quite working out. I had overlooked that the jetty server runs in the same process, so we get some conflict/duplicate versions of the same code in our runtime classpath, which seems to be causing erratic behavior.

I think I will solve this as follows:

1. the compliance/integration tests involving spinning up an Rdf4j server will be moved to the rdf4j-tools repo, so that we avoid cyclic dependencies. The idea is that these tests are then more about integration testing from a server perspective.
2. I will look into adding some unit tests at the client end as well, but without the use of an embedded rdf4j server - instead just mock out the the client/server comms where necessary. 



On Sun, Apr 7, 2019 at 1:54 PM Jeen Broekstra <jeen.broekstra@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I have now merged all test refactor PRs, and have changed the Jenkins pipeline for the develop branch.

The Jenkins pipeline now works as follows: a verify job runs all unit and compliance tests for its repo. If the build fails a mail is sent to this list. If the build succeeds, a new job is started to deploy new snapshots to Sonatype. When the new snapshots are deployed, a further  job is kicked off to run unit tests against the downstream dependencies.

For example: we merge a PR in the rdf4j-repo. First, rdf4j-develop-verify is started (it is triggered by a poll for changes which runs every 5 minutes). This job runs all unit and compliance/integration tests against the head of the branch. When that succeeds, rdf4j-develop-deploy is started, which builds the artifacts and deploys them to Sonatype. When that successfully completes, two further jobs are started: rdf4j-storage-develop-verify-upstream and rdf4j-tools-develop-verify-upstream. Both of these run unit tests (not compliance tests!) to check that the changes in rdf4j modules are not causing errors in these dependent projects.

I have not configured all these jobs to send e-mails, only the rdf4j-**-verify jobs. This means that if deployment or upstream verification fails, we may not immediately see it. I want to see if this is workable for us before I configure more mails (it can very easily get too noisy with all the jenkins mails). So a polite request to occasionally check Jenkins and see if things are green.

Last but not least: I have disabled the Jenkins jobs on the rdf4j-testsuite develop branch. I haven't moved the benchmark tests yet because I want to take a closer look at their utility and their place in the build process, but eventually we will move those out as well and get rid of the testsuite repo altogether.

Oh and of course: all of this only applies to the develop branch. The master branch still runs on the old system. This may be a bit awkward when having to switch from working on develop to master (or vice versa) but these changes are at least partly backward incompatible (our testsuites are published artifacts after all, and we have third parties re-using them), so I had to restrict it to develop. Hopefully, we can make good time on 3.0 development so we can get develop and master back in sync soon :)

I'm sure there's further improvements we can do, but this should be a good first sweep.


On Sat, Apr 6, 2019 at 10:56 AM Jeen Broekstra <jeen.broekstra@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I will use this weekend to get the testsuite refactor in place on the develop branch. Please be aware that this may cause some disruption, as I will need to gradually roll this and modify the jenkins build process for the develop branch along the way. I'll temporarily disable e-mail notifications on the jenkins jobs to minimize the noise.



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