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Re: [rdf4j-dev] Getting [Rio fatal] Not a valid (absolute) IRI - but file is parsable by rdflib for python




RDF4j doesn’t handle the relative IRI because there is no base IRI, but the RDF/XML spec mentions in 2.14


“The XML Infoset provides a base URI attribute xml:base that sets the base URI for resolving relative IRIs,

otherwise the base URI is that of the document.”


Entering Ladislav’s example file in “direct input” textbox of the W3C RDF validator generates valid RDF with IRIs like


So it depends on whether or not an implementation provides/generates a document URI.


If loaded from a file system or submitted via online form, it’s quite straightforward to generate a document URI.

Probably a bit less defined what should be done when there is no direct link (e.g. in memory)


Maybe RDF4J could just use a dummy document URI if there is no base specified,

instead of relying on the developer to explicitly provide a base  IRI  ?



Best regards




From: rdf4j-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:rdf4j-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Håvard Ottestad
Sent: zondag 4 maart 2018 10:46
To: rdf4j developer discussions <rdf4j-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [rdf4j-dev] Getting [Rio fatal] Not a valid (absolute) IRI - but file is parsable by rdflib for python


Hi Ladislav


Not every library implements the RDF standard strictly. 


This may actually be a bug in rdflib. Have you tried to contact them? 


This is the spec for IRIs:

I recommend that your IRIs be of the following format:


On 4 Mar 2018, at 09:20, Ladislav Jech <archenroot@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello dev team of rdf4j,


thanks for your work first of all.


I got into exception scenario as per message subject described here:


Issue has been close and today I also opened subject on google groups:


Thing is that the data file is processable by rdflib for python library(, while rdf4j is failing, I am new to format and being not sure what and where is root cause.


Thank you for any help on this.




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