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[rdf4j-dev] Titles for Pull requests: please use "Fix #<issueno>: ..."

Hi folks,

Minor change: can I please ask you to use:

 “Fix #<issue>: ….” 

As the general format for Pull Request titles? The reason is that if this is included, GitHub automatically closes the corresponding issue when the pull request is merged. Handy!

Btw I’m also looking at the GitHub projects tab for planning releases. You can see a board for RDF4J 2.2 development there now. It’s a bit feature-poor compared to a proper kanban board, but for now it’s “good enough”. I have also gotten rid of the “in progress” label (especially since I was the only one using it anyway). 

Oh, one more thing: I added a nice logo/link to our IRC channel in our README, and made the IRC stuff a bit easier to find on as well. Feel free to drop by there anytime and talk to me (or other users/devs). 



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