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Re: [rap-dev] Draw2D Support


please see the thread "RAP and Draw2D/GEF" on the newsgroup for an answer.


Dahai Xu wrote:
Hi Jochen,

Your demo for Draw2D+RAP is very impressive.
What's the current status of releasing the code for the demo?

Many thanks.


Hi Vineet,

The code for Draw2D is not yet in a repository. We developed it first as
a showcase and then as an early prototype but want to avoid to make a
committment for providing Draw2D without further support from the
community. As soon as the code gets out we will have to deal with it ...

We are planning to bring the code into the repositories, but
would like to get some more involvement from other parties, so your
interest is well received. In any case we will have to go through IP
clearing first, so expect that to take a couple of weeks.

With respect to your question about Canvas vs. Flash, this was a
scalability topic. None of the canvas technologies did scale for
diagrams with thousands of elements, which was important to us.


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