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[ptp-user] PTP hangs debugging local job after throwing an exception

Hi everyone,

I'm using PTP to debug a local OpenMPI job on four processors. I'm using a run configuration which successfuly executes the job in question, but when I run the same configuration in the parallel debugger, it hangs after throwing the following exception:

Exception in thread "Proxy Client Packet Thread" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1360 at org.eclipse.ptp.proxy.util.compression.huffmancoder.HuffmanCoder.decode( at org.eclipse.ptp.proxy.util.compression.huffmancoder.HuffmanByteUncompress.apply(
at org.eclipse.ptp.proxy.client.AbstractProxyClient.processPacket( at org.eclipse.ptp.proxy.client.AbstractProxyClient.access$4( at org.eclipse.ptp.proxy.client.AbstractProxyClient$

Once it hangs, it shows the processes and continuing to run, but I'm not able to control or terminate them.

I'm using Eclipse for Parallel Application Developers, Version: Luna Service Release 2 (4.4.2)
Build id: 20150219-0600


Michael Buksas
Stellar Science, LLC

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