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Re: [ptp-user] No variables displayed when debugging Open MPI

This is the name of the local machine, I am trying to debug locally. I had to uncomment a line from my hosts file in order for it to work (    logti-a3460-17).

The MPI Pi C++ example was making the debugger hang as well, but that is because I had spaces in the directory name of the project, so I think in the commands the --routing_file option was not right. Now with a brand new MPI Pi C++ project I can have the debugger working, and here is a screenshot similar to yours showing my issue with the variables.

On 14-09-05 06:00 PM, Greg Watson wrote:
Is logti-a3460-17 a valid host name on your system? The sdm is trying to resolve this as an address but it is failing. This resolution needs to work on the nodes as well as the frontend, so the node would need to be configured to resolve the name correctly.


On Sep 5, 2014, at 5:51 PM, Valentin Vervondel <valentin.vervondel.1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Thank you. I have applied the patch, but I just get a similar error, with gethostbyname instead of getaddrinfo.

#PTP job_id=19157
 Data for JOB [38102,1] offset 0

SDM: [server] effsize: 2, size: 1, rv: 0
SDM: [server] Found routing file, size=1
SDM: [0] size 2
SDM: [0] in sdm_create_sockd_map
SDM: [0] sdm_route_get_route dest {0}, parent 1
SDM: [0] adjacent nodes: {}
SDM: [0] This node is a server!
SDM: [server] effsize: 2, size: 1, rv: 0
SDM: [0] nodeID: 0, hostname: logti-a3460-17, port: 51969
SDM: [0] found entry for node 0
SDM: [0] found my entry
SDM: [0] [ACCEPT] sockfd: 4
SDM: [0] port bound: 51969
SDM: [0] bound to port 51969
SDM: [master] effsize: 2, size: 1, rv: 0
SDM: [master] Found routing file, size=1
SDM: [1] size 2
SDM: [1] route for 0 is {}
SDM: [1] in sdm_create_sockd_map
SDM: [1] sdm_route_get_route dest {0-1}, parent 1
SDM: [1] adjacent nodes: {0}
SDM: [1] adding 0 to my map
SDM: [master] effsize: 2, size: 1, rv: 0
SDM: [1] nodeID: 0, hostname: logti-a3460-17, port: 51969
gethostbyname: Connection timed out
SDM: [1] gethostbyname error. hostname: logti-a3460-17, port: 51969
SDM: [1] failed to connect to child logti-a3460-17:51969
SDM: [1] sdm_message_init failed
SDM: sdm_init failed

On 14-09-05 05:37 PM, Greg Watson wrote:
Put the patch file somewhere, the go to the org.eclipse.ptp.debug.sdm directory and type “patch -p3 < /path/to/patch_file”. Type “make” to rebuild the sdm.


On Sep 5, 2014, at 5:27 PM, Valentin Vervondel <valentin.vervondel.1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Yes it is Ubuntu... Sorry I don't know how to apply the patch, what should I do?

On 14-09-05 05:12 PM, Greg Watson wrote:

Is your backend Ubuntu by any chance? I have a suspicion that getaddrinfo is buggy on Ubuntu, and this may be causing the problem. If you’re feeling adventurous, you could try applying the following patch to the sdm which replaces getaddrinfo with gethostbyname. It would be interesting to see if this helps at all.


On Sep 5, 2014, at 3:07 PM, Valentin Vervondel <valentin.vervondel.1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Greg,

Thanks for your help. I was using Open MPI 1.8.1 and PTP 8.0.1 (with the fix for OMPI 1.8, which was working since the debugger could launch). I have now updated to PTP 8.1.0 and for some reason I get the getaddrinfo error again, the same way it was described by Christoph Schober in a previous thread (progress bar stuck,  cannot connect to debugger, Eclipse hangs until SDM process is killed).

This is slightly unrelated to my original problem but now I cannot start debugging anymore, and I don't understand why I have this issue again. I made sure the script was correct, and I recompiled SDM from the 8.1.0 source archive.

Some SDM debug output:

#PTP job_id=15465
 Data for JOB [57962,1] offset 0

SDM: [server] effsize: 2, size: 1, rv: 0
SDM: [server] Found routing file, size=1
SDM: [0] size 2
SDM: [0] in sdm_create_sockd_map
SDM: [0] sdm_route_get_route dest {0}, parent 1
SDM: [0] adjacent nodes: {}
SDM: [0] This node is a server!
SDM: [server] effsize: 2, size: 1, rv: 0
SDM: [0] nodeID: 0, hostname: logti-a3460-17, port: 59885
SDM: [0] found entry for node 0
SDM: [0] found my entry
SDM: [0] [ACCEPT] sockfd: 4
SDM: [0] port bound: 59885
SDM: [0] bound to port 59885
SDM: [master] effsize: 2, size: 1, rv: 0
SDM: [master] Found routing file, size=1
SDM: [1] size 2
SDM: [1] route for 0 is {}
SDM: [1] in sdm_create_sockd_map
SDM: [1] sdm_route_get_route dest {0-1}, parent 1
SDM: [1] adjacent nodes: {0}
SDM: [1] adding 0 to my map
SDM: [master] effsize: 2, size: 1, rv: 0
SDM: [1] nodeID: 0, hostname: logti-a3460-17, port: 59885
getaddrinfo: Connection timed out
SDM: [1] getaddrinfo error. hostname: logti-a3460-17, port: 59885
SDM: [1] failed to connect to child logti-a3460-17:59885
SDM: [1] sdm_message_init failed
SDM: sdm_init failed

On 14-09-03 04:05 PM, Greg Watson wrote:
I just tried debugging the MPI Pi C++ Project using Open MPI 1.6 on Ubuntu 14.04 with PTP 8.0.1 and it worked fine. 

Can you provide more details on your setup? Maybe a screenshot showing the Parallel Debug perspective would help?


<Mail Attachment.png>

On Sep 3, 2014, at 12:52 PM, Valentin Vervondel <valentin.vervondel.1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Yes I have a stack frame selected, and it is displaying some variables just none of mine, only what seems to be Open MPI variables, no matter where I break in my program. Here is a full list:

cl::NullRange    (No value)
ompi_stdio_seek_set    0
ompi_stdio_seek_end    2
std::__ioinit    {...}
   _S_refcount    0
   _S_synced_with_stdio    false
ompi_stdio_seek_cur    1

On 14-09-03 09:58 AM, Greg Watson wrote:
Do you have a stack frame selected in the Debug view? The Variables view will not display anything unless you have a stack frame selected.


On Aug 21, 2014, at 2:52 PM, Valentin Vervondel <valentin.vervondel.1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


When I start a parallel debug of my Open MPI application, I don't have my program variables displayed in the Variables tab of the parallel debug perspective. I actually have two Variables tab, the first one only contains variables such as ompi_stdio_seek_set, ompi_stdio_seek_end, SEEK_CUR, cl::NullRange, etc. but none of my own variables, no matter where I am debugging in the program. The second one iw just empty. Same for when I hover on a variable, no value is displayed.

I have tried closing the tabs and resetting the perspective, but the problem persists. I am using Luna with PTP 8.0.1 on Ubuntu.

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Attachment: ptp-sdm-no-variables.png
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